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This is an Erotic Novel! Please be advised and be mature🤸🏾‍♂️

Lexington and Ace walked hand in hand through a local fruit market as she picked up mangos and other fruits placing them in her blue Prada Crochet tote bag

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Lexington and Ace walked hand in hand through a local fruit market as she picked up mangos and other fruits placing them in her blue Prada Crochet tote bag.

" try this"

Lexington offered a piece of Papaya on a stick to Ace with a bright smile on her face. A blue and white silk Burberry print scarf sat tied securely on her head, protecting her natural hair from the sun, her face was makeup free except for her mink eyelash extensions and lip gloss.

Lexington watched as Ace's plump lips wrapped around the Papaya slice pulling it from the stick making her eyes salivate.

Catching her eyes Ace smirked before his back straighten back up wrapping his arm around Lexington's shoulder whispering in her ear.

" it's sweet as hell"

The smell of Papaya now on Ace's breath made her sigh internally, fidgeting in her maxi dress, making Ace laugh lowly as he paid for her Papaya and continued their casually walk through the outdoor market.

After their relaxing first day at the beach the couple ended up sleeping the night away. The crashing off the ocean and night time quietness was foreign to both Lexington and Ace causing them to sleep well into the next morning.

After having a Chef's breakfast earlier in the day Ace decided to take them into town for a bit and be tourists.

" where to next?"

Lexington asked as she took off guard photos of Ace and herself as they walked hand and hand.

Ace looked around taking in their surrounds as they stood at a stop light waiting to cross a small street to a few restaurants.

Checking the time on his custom Rolex, he saw that it was going on 2 pm.

" we can sit down for a bit, grab some food. I know a local spot that the food is pretty good, the owner and me go back a few years"

" sounds good to me, I can definitely eat"

Nodding down Ace swept Lexington up into arms making her break out into a girlish laugh.

" gimme a kiss"

Lexington looked around at the random by by-passers as Ace's eyes never left her face. Lifting up on her tip toes Lexington kissed Ace, which he deepened with anticipation as they kissed with no care in the world.

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