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This is an Erotic Novel! Please be
advised and be mature🤸🏾‍♂️

The Embassy 📍
7pm| Toronto | 1 Week Later

The loud buzzing of Ace's IPhone caused him and Lexington to stir in their peaceful sleep.

The movie end credits to the 90's classic Love Jones played on the giant home monitor screen display that currently was beginning to fade to black as the couple had fallen asleep during their movie night.

The vibrating continued as Ace tried to reach for the annoying device with his left hand as Lexington laid comfortably asleep against his right shoulder and torso, a oversized tan and black Hermes cashmere blanket laid wrapped around her body securely.

The vibrating continued as Ace tried to reach for the annoying device with his left hand as Lexington laid comfortably asleep against his right shoulder and torso, a oversized tan and black Hermes cashmere blanket laid wrapped around her body secu...

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Sliding a bit from under Lexington's frame, Ace was able to finally reach over getting to his phone, swiping left to answer, seeing Chubs name flash across the screen.

" late call, everything good?"

Ace spoke not out of worry but that was just his way. He was always on high alert when his friends called until otherwise said.

Chubs shook his head because he knew his friend like a map.

" Yes and No... we found out more information on whose behind the photos of Lexington and your not gonna like it"

Chubs answered causing Ace to wipe down his face with the palm of his hand,  a grim frown replacing the peaceful sleep he was just having,  before he stood from the reclining movie room sofa's to his full height, leaving out of the theater, heading up to his office.

" Tell me"

"Hush hacked into a few camera lights near Lexington's apartment and found a pattern of a blacked out Dodge Charger showing up 2 sometimes 3 times a week at her spot, just parked up ."

Ace listened intently to Chubs as he closed the door to his office behind him, walking over to his desk to find his blunt box before sitting down in his oversized black leather desk chair, swiveling it around slowly as he looked for his lighter.

" let me guess, same car cameras caught leaving OVO"

Ace spoke grimly.

" exactly, same vehicle for sure."

Sparking the blunt Ace inhaled as his mind went in 100 different directions. He wasn't interested in just finding out who the person was behind taking the photos, that person was no one to him.

A mere chess piece in someone else's game.

No, Ace wanted to take the King and the whole motherfucking chessboard for the mistake of thinking Ace had lost his touch.

Ace wasn't just the type to kill you and leave it at that, he was meticulous and cunning when he was forced to be.

He felt comfortable in the dark shadows watching his empire build to the billions but he had no problem popping out to remind niggas who he was.

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