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Hey guys!

Guess who overestimated herself and her abilities? This author! Well... kind of.

To begin this I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave and is giving this book, and therefore me, a chance.

In the past month, the book's views skyrocketed (at least considering my own expectations). Honestly, I've been rereading it trying to see what edits I can do, and the more I write, the more I find stuff I need to fix, which makes me wonder why people like it, but apparently you do.

It's hard not to be strict with yourself with something that you have created, but I'm reminding myself to always be kind to my tries, winning or failing.

Here is the thing, writing with goals, instead of simply being fun makes writing all that harder, so I took a couple of decisions.

First about the sequel.

The sequel has always been ready, and it's simply, fluffy summery with laughter, love, and a tiny dose of heartbreak *cue the evil laughing*.

I'm gonna try to be more active on social media now that my senior year of high school is over. I'm going to be posting some writing process too, the dates of the sequel, sneak picks of the sequel, and some other announcements that are about to happen.

I made a promise to myself to stick to what I know, and not be strict to me trying new things, so I'll stop overthinking my writing and go back to the basics.

Which brings me to my second announcement.

I'll be posting another story on Wattpad, without a strict upstanding schedule. What I mean, is even if I haven't finished that story (it's hardly been started to be totally honest with you), I'm going to start posting chapters. I'm not forcing myself to have an update every day, or polish every single chapter into something perfect- because perfect exists at the same place in a writer's brain, where the stories come from. Fantasy.

I also feel bad for letting you guys in the dark for so long, but at the same time, the break was highly needed for me to learn and love this new version of myself, something that was a blessing and torture at the same time. And you know what? I love me, without conditions. Even if the chapters aren't perfect. Even if I don't update every day.

So what I am about to do, is start a story on Wattpad that isn't really a story. It's a block, much like a diary, meant to show my writing process, feelings, and mental journey. Because writing is hard and takes a huge hit on the writer's mental health, I want to share with you and my fellow writers what I learned through this time, I took away from writing. I'll do so via,

The Chronicles of Writing.

First update in a few days, so stay tuned!

The Instagram account is also changing its name to The Chronicles of Writing, so it can feel like a fresh start.

I don't know a lot of things, and I know even less about the future. All is a mystery and that makes it an adventure. But I do know one thing for certain, and that's that I am not done telling stories.

And with those announcements, I'll let you guys with a quote from one of my favorite authors, whose newsletters helped me slowly get back to writing:

No matter how big the mountain seems, no matter how daunting, remember that the way to cover any amount of space, be it a flat expanse or an Everest-like climb, is the same: one step at a time. -V.E. Schwab

The Perfect PromiseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant