🌻 Chapter 28

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After a morning of hair and makeup, we are now inside Prescott's department store. So far, our advantage challenges have been outdoors, but today we are standing together next to a long raised stage surrounded by chairs. It's a catwalk runway for modeling. Rhiannon has us placed in two rows on the floor next to the stage. 

Chris looks down to us from the runway, "Today you will be modeling a new tropical themed business casual line. The fashion show attendees will rate your performance as runway models. The pair with the highest score wins this week's advantage. We are very grateful to Victor Wallingford for giving us this opportunity to show his creations."

Chris dismisses us to go to the back and get changed. I go to the girls' side and I'm really surprised that everyone is changing clothes in front of each other. I find a little corner and change, piece by piece to protect my dignity. I'm wearing a white cotton blouse with the sleeves rolled, it only has buttons on the bottom half then a flair collar on top like a suit jacket. There is a lot of space showing between my girls. The pants are a super soft silk taupe with breezy wide legs. It has a sash that ties at the side of my waist. Short strappy heels finish it off, they are less than three inches so I think I'll be fine.

Once we are in our first outfits we gather behind a curtain at the end of the runway. I see Ry and he looks scrumptious. He has a pale yellow button up shirt with only one button attached just above his belly button and the sleeves rolled. He has light blue linen slacks that are rolled up at his ankles with no socks and boat shoes. He looks like he should be conducting a business meeting from his yacht.

I've tried all day to stand far enough away from Ry that I don't touch him. I purposefully rode in a different van than him. And I was so proud of myself that I stayed on my own side of the bed last night. In fact, in his sleep he reached over to me a couple times but I used the pillow to push his hand back onto his own side. I was the definition of a 'good girl'.

I peek between the curtains at the chairs that line the runway which have filled while we were changing. In the seats are fashionably dressed, women of all ages and a few men. I'm starting to get nervous. The music changes, it sounds tropical with a bit of ukulele. 

Chris's voice can be heard, "Ladies and gentlemen, Victor Wallingford in collaboration with Prescott's design team would like to present to you Fresh Take." 

There is applause and Alexis starts it off. There is a woman near the curtain who tells us when to go. Ry goes next, he doesn't even look nervous. His normal stoic expression is perfect for modeling. I'm near the back of the line, which I appreciate because I can see how everyone else does it first.

A few more models go, then Alexis comes back smiling ear to ear, she likes this. She starts taking off her clothes before she even gets behind the curtain on the girls' side. I see Hayden go out up ahead. My heart skips a beat when Ry comes back. He glances down at my outfit then gives me a small encouraging smile and a wink.

When my turn comes, I focus on taking one step in front of the other. I know models are supposed to be aloof and stoic but I can't help but smile as I see the people watching. I get several smiles back. I walk to the end without falling then do the turn that I practiced a hundred times this morning. Then I walk back.

I scurry behind the curtain to change my clothes. There is a woman helping me and Samantha get dressed. Samantha looks amazing today. This clothing line was made for women with curves and Samantha fills them out better than the rest of us.

Once I'm dressed, I step back out and almost immediately I'm going down the runway again. We do this process several more times until I'm donning my last outfit. This one is a cream colored wrap dress with a small green pinstripe. It's quick to put on but then I look at the shoes. The helper is putting a green turtle patterned shoe on me with no less than five inch heels. They have a back part cupping my heel but no strap around the ankle. "I'm not sure I can walk in these."

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