📷 Chapter 35

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"Fantastic! That was amazingly hot. You two are naturals for the camera." Cinna is smiling ear to ear, clearly over the moon about the pictures. "I even approve of the adlibs at the end. I'm going to spend the rest of the night editing." He looks at Brooklyn who seems unfocused. "Really great job Brooklyn. As always you are a pleasure to work with."

She gives no indication that she's heard him. She usually loves praise. Her lack of response makes me frown. She's been staring at the floor since we ended the shoot and I'm worried that she's freaking out.

Cinna reaches out to shake my hand. "Thanks Chase. I hope we are able to work together many more times in the future." 

I shake his hand and nod but my number one concern is helping Brooklyn right now. When she doesn't move to follow Nat I gently take her shoulders wrapped in the white terry cloth robe and guide her up the stairs to the rooms we've been using to change. She won't look at me. 

"Do you want me to send in Nat to help you get dressed?" She shakes her head, still looking down. "You alright, Buttercup?" She nods. She is definitely not alright.

I go to the next bedroom over and change quickly then wait downstairs for her to get finished. When it takes a long time, Nat goes up to check on her. After being upstairs for a minute she comes down frowning. 

"She's getting dressed now." 

I'm antsy. Jittery like I am when I don't get coffee but this isn't caffeine related. Brook and I have been touching near continually since last night. I miss her touch even though it's only been a few minutes. 

When she finally joins us I try reach take her hand but she skirts me and walks out the front door to the car. The cameraman is filming it all so I can't push her to open up until we're alone. I'll just try to give her space until then. Our photo session was intense. Amazing, but intense just the same. She is such an innocent and I wonder if I let things go too far. Hopefully we'll be able to talk through it so she feels better. But not until we are alone.

It feels like a longer drive back than it was to get here. My body naturally wants to reach for her, to pull her onto my lap. To kiss her and make her feel better. I shake my head at myself, I don't even recognize who I am right now. I feel like I've lived my whole life as a caterpillar but in the last day I've blossomed into a butterfly. Flowery words I know, but that's the best way to describe how much I've changed.

When I lowered my guard last night and let her touch me it was scary as hell and amazing all at once. I never knew that touch could feel that good. I had no idea that your whole body could fill with joy as someone runs their fingers across your skin. And having her fall asleep while cuddled to my side as I read to her was a dream come true that I never knew I had. It was like finding the infinite fountain of joy and being able to bathe in it. It makes me wonder if someday I could have a normal life. I never imagined it.

I've put her fucking boyfriend out of my mind all day because, let's be honest, that asshole has got to go. Brook is the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful girl I've ever met and there is no way I'm letting him keep her. She's the only one I want. I need her to be mine. Need. If she were happy with him, I couldn't break them up so easily. But he treats her like shit. And she deserves to be treated like a princess. 

I don't think she even realizes that she has the choice not to be with him. Her whole family has let him groom her from a young age and I need to find a way to end it. If I'd met her at any other time or place I doubt I would even consider having her as mine. But the fact that she has put up with the cretin of a boyfriend for years and thinks she's marrying him gives me the courage to want her for myself.

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