🌻 Chapter 46

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I wake up in the middle of the night disoriented about where I am. I sit up and look around. There is a light coming from the hallway. As soon as I recognize Ellie sleeping on the bed across the room, I remember that we are in Mexico. I reach for my phone before remembering that Rhiannon took it away. Ugh, I got used to having it.

It all comes rushing back and I cringe at my memories of the day. The photoshoot Chase and I had today couldn't have gone worse. Actually, he didn't do so badly. But I did awful. We were supposed to be showing a decade like the 1980's or the 1940's or something. I was dressed like a hippy from the 70's and Chase was dressed in a black and white suit with a skinny tie like the Beatles. I tried to ignore how good he looked since I am still mad at him. 

With our outfits from different eras, we looked ridiculous together. The photographer had us walk through an array of scenes, but each set was decorated from a different decade. I know I didn't photograph well because I was so annoyed by the concept of the shoot and still feeling the effects of the alcohol. I feel worse about it now than I did then. I bite my lip as I realize I should have tried harder.

When I got back to our room, Ellie was here and I was so glad to see her! We hugged and I told her about my awful last days.

She was surprised Alexis and I are now getting along. She had questions about why I wanted to have sex with Hayden. I told her about Monica's suggestions and Ellie pointed out that maybe Monica's coping techniques are not the most healthy. She might be right. I'm regret the alcohol for sure and I'm glad I didn't go through with... the other plan.

Ellie looked a little guilty when she said, "Hayden seems to think Chase did you a favor by finding out that your boyfriend cheated on you. He's really glad Max is gone."

"Do you think I was too hard on Chase?" I've been wondering that since our photoshoot. He didn't talk much. Maybe he really was just trying to help by asking Intel to look into my relationship. I may have overreacted.

"Hayden thinks so. But, I'll be honest, I would be really chafed if someone went behind my back like that."

I nod, "I know, but he's usually so sweet. And I always feel so safe with him." 

I remember back to him holding me in the hotel bed last night. It was like I found heaven. I felt so safe, so loved. He made me feel like everything would be okay, my worries melted away. It was exactly what I needed. When he kissed the back of my neck I had the most lovely feelings all over my body. It was like my skin was extra sensitive. Every touch was like a burst of pleasure. I've never felt that way about touching anyone except Ry. I mean Chase. I won't stay mad at him if I call him Ry.

I admit to Ellie, "He's so handsome. I could sit and watch him like he's a TV."

Ellie chuckles, "Chase is nice to look at, for sure. But honestly he's so stoic. I couldn't be with someone who is so chronically annoyed."

"He's not!" How does Ellie not know him better than this?

"Well, he looks constantly perturbed and he doesn't talk much. I mean, of course I'd do him if he gave me the time of day. But he's not friendly like Hayden."

She'd 'do him'? I frown. No. That is NOT going to work for me. I get a little sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of anyone else cuddling him. But I calm down when I remember he only likes my touches.

But also, whats the deal with all women thinking that is all he is good for? I feel overwhelmingly protective of him. Alexis's squad has been coming on to him since day one. Now Ellie is objectifying him. I also remember the stewardess eyeing him on the plane. That made me mad. Ry is such a great guy and girls don't even take the time to get to know him. They just see his abs and want to lick them. 

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