Chapter 1

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To run away...from this place, from this city, from this life is all Pete ever wanted.

But when the opportunity presents itself, suddenly it's not as appealing anymore. The fear of unknown future in an unknown city full of unfamiliar faces makes him nervous.

Chonburi is the only place he's ever known, Theerapanyakul palace is the only place he's ever lived in, the closest ideation of 'home'. Though the word sounds foreign to his ears. Pete has lived in this palace for as long as he can remember but to go so far as calling it 'home' will be audacity. Pete has never been home.

So he always worked very hard, studied and topped his class, only thing in his day he'll escape this place, one day he'll run away, one day he'll find home...

And finally he can? Pete was always a bright student but never did he think he could get a scholarship to study in Royal college of Bangkok. Bangkok, the place Pete has always dreamt of going to. Apparently people in Bangkok have it all. A luxury colourful lovely life, at least that's what they show on tv. Once you go to Bangkok all your worries will be magically taken away.

Pete, takes a deep breath. Nervous as he is, finally it's his dream come true. He won't back off just for the fear of unknown.

Khun Gun calls him in his chamber. Pete goes. Khun Gun is like a deity to him and his grandmother, yes, he might be a devil otherwise, but if not for him Pete could have never made it this far. Not only did the man provide roof over their head, he also took over the expenditure for Pete's studies. Pete can't be more grateful.

"Pete!" Khun Gun greets him with a smile.

"Good evening, khun." He bows and shows respect.

Gun nods, sipping on expensive wine, probably as old as 18th century. To call them rich is an understatement. No chaebol can compare the riches of a royal bloodline. Afterall all the piled up money and property from ancient times has to have an advantage.

Pete doesn't know much, but Theerapanyakul family of Chonburi has their power spread all over Thailand, even Bangkok. They now invest in big businesses, holding major shares and vast land properties. Almost whole Chonburi is indirectly under their realm even though technically Thailand is now a republic country.

Khun Gun doesn't manage business by himself, he doesn't need to. Money buys people afterall. They have a whole army of loyal people working on their behalf. Pete himself might be counted as one.

Anyways back to present...

Gun congratulates Pete on getting the scholarship. Pete knows even though he got the scholarship, he needs permission from khun Gun to actually go there to study.

Pete hesitates how to start the conversation...but thankfully khun Gun takes the lead.

"So all ready to go to Bangkok?" He asks leaning back on the velvet sofa.

"Y-yes khun...I mean if you permit... I'd like to...umm.."

"Ofcourse I permit, Pete have I ever stopped you from studying?" Gun raises an eyebrow.

Pete quickly shakes his head.

"Obviously you'd go, infact I've made all arrangements for you to settle comfortably there." Gun smiles.

Pete's eyes go wide with gratitude.

"Really khun? That's so kind of you." He folds his arms in front of him as a gesture of gratefulness.

"Ofcourse I did , but Pete, I've a little favour to ask, would you do it for this old man?" Gun asks thoughtfully, as if giving Pete a choice in the matter. But Pete knows better...

"Anything for you khun.." Pete bows, slightly uncomfortable, knowing no kindness is free in this world. He prepares himself for ... God knows what.


Today is the day. Vegas groans in frustration as soon as he wakes up. At least once a year he has to pay a mandatory visit to his father.

Not to mention it's a day Vegas doesn't really look forward to.

His father...well his father and him don't have the typical father-son relationship to say the least. Vegas would rather not face that old man ever, if it was possible. All his life he has detested his father. Blamed him silently for his mother's death, for depriving him of parental love when he needed it most. Shoving him to suffer in boarding school far away from home, sending him to continue study in Bangkok after finishing high school.

As far as he can recall Vegas has never been home unless to pay visit to his father. Heck, could that place even be called his home where he never stayed more than 2 days a year?

When Vegas was 5 years old, his father killed the very concept of 'home' for good. Vegas doesn't have a place to call home.

Frowning, he gets up. All the hungover from last night causing him a throbbing headache. He feels awful already and worse awaits.

Somehow getting ready he sets out for Chonburi in his new luxury sports car. Already anticipating an earful for his reckless lifestyle among other disappointments his father is gonna list out today. He scoffs mentally. Not even bothered at this point. Not when his father has already entitled him a 'failure'. Good thing, at least he doesn't have to stand upto anyone's expectations. He's free, much too free...for his liking.

Vegas wonders how it'd feel like to have at least one person to call his own. But he doesn't let those thoughts occupy his headspace.

What's the point, eventually everyone will leave afterall.

So he indulges in meterialistic luxury. Expensive alcohol, colourful haze of the most expensive bars of Bangkok, with men and women at his disposal, new bikes and cars every other day. Drunk driving, car racing, gambling and Sex. Spending money like water. All these give him the feeling of belonging somewhere, feeling of having some control over life. Vegas doesn't do it for fun, Vegas does it to survive. Otherwise he doesn't have a reason... to continue living...

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora