Chapter 6

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"This is the guy right? The one who bumped into you" Dan asks showing a photo of someone in his iPhone.

"Yeah that's him" Sean confirms.

"Looks funny...I mean I'd almost think he's a girl if not for his hair lol" Dan muses.

"Tell me about it!" Nash agrees, "what major is he in btw?" She asks.

"Business major, apparently he has an outstanding resume." Dan informs.

"Oh, guess we're gonna meet again soon." Sean smirks.

"You sure have all the unnecessary info Dan" Prim scoffs, "that guy looks shady to me."

Apparently everyone has been discussing about some 'leftover' guy since morning, Vegas can't be bothered. He's trying hard to catch up on sleep. Head still throbbing from hangover.

"Hey, Vegas we've classes now..get up" Prim shakes him.

"You guys go ahead, I'm not in the mood." He groans.

"As much as I'd like it, we really have to go to this know that professor prick right? He's gonna make us retake the classes again in next sem" Sean provides unhelpfully.

"Also let's not forget, today's the project team up, we've to pick up our favourite lackey ... who's gonna do our assignments otherwise!" Nash giggles.

"That's right, let's go!" They drag him with them to the class.

Vegas takes the seat in the very back. Hopefully nobody will dare to disturb him. He's Vegas Theerapanyakul afterall.

After a few minutes of shut eye though he can feel someone settling beside him, who the hell has the guts!? They sure are looking for trouble and Vegas is especially in a bad mood today.

Looking up he comes to stare at the very face that ruined his mood early in the morning. Pete!

The fuck is he doing here! Pete gives him a look as if he's seen a ghost. Vegas swears this guy can irritate him just by existing.

"Don't disturb me when I sleep" he warns and goes back to sleep. Ignoring his existence seems like the best thing to do. He's probably gonna report this to his father as well. Bloody leech!

"Attention everyone" the professor calls out. "Annoyed, Vegas lifts up his head, class is probably about to end anyways.

"As you all know, today we distribute groups for this sem's group project! As you guys are in 3rd year already I hope you can decide for yourself. Remember, everyone has to contribute, it's a group project for a reason, if someone slacks off other group members do report to me. I'll deduct their marks and have them redo it all alone! Understood?"

Vegas can see Pete nodding vigorously from the periphery. What a puppet, he scoffs mentally.

"I'll be heading out now, you guys decide among yourselves before leaving the class and report to me by 4 pm today."

Everyone starts murmuring. Vegas just leans back on his seat, unbothered. He already knows his group members. They'll find some lackey from the leftovers to do their part, that's how it always works.

"Hey you! Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham right?" Vegas turns to see Sean who came upto their seat now pointing to Pete.

A part of him panics thinking how do the guys know about Pete? Did they somehow find out about their connection?

He watches Pete stand up, his whole body tense, nervousness palpable.

Vegas is about to say something to deny their acquaintance when Sean speaks up, "We meet again!" Smiling eerily at Pete.

Pete gulps. He looks visibly scared.

Vegas wonders what did he miss. Sean places a hand on Pete's shoulder making him almost jump out of his skin.

"Relax buddy! Someone will think we're bullying you!" Sean mocks, everyone else gathered behind breaks out laughing, joining the fun.

"We're just trying to make friends with you, how about you join our group for the project? Huh? What do you think?"

Oh right, the project. How did Vegas forget that Pete's a lackey too. Somehow the thought of him joining their group makes him uncomfortable. Vegas would rather not acknowledge his presence outside the house.

Pete doesn't have a say in the matter though. Who's he to deny the Royals?

"Okay, that's decided then, see you tomorrow buddy when we discuss the project!" Sean pats Pete's shoulder giving him a wide intimidating grin.

"Hey Vegas! Up for a race?" He now turns to face Vegas with a smirk.

"Sure thing" Vegas returns the smirk. He needs to release some energy and stretch his muscles.

They leave together, leaving a trembling Pete behind.


Pete slumps back into his seat once they left.

"Stay out of their hair" P'Bar's voice ringing in his ears.

Ofcourse it had to be Pete, just his luck. And cherry on top, Vegas is in the same major as him. Fate has decided to let him down from the very first day without fail.

Pete doesn't look forward to tomorrow at all.

He meets Leya again, on his way out of college.
"Pete! I heard the Royals chose you?" She asks concerned.

"Hmm" Pete nods, lips drawn together. One more mention about the Royals and he might just cry.

"Hey! Cheer up!" She smacks lightly on the back of his head.

Pete bites back a sob.

"It's okay, remember what P'Sam said?" Leya soothes him patting on the head now.

Pete nods.

"Oh God! You're so adorable, you look like a kicked puppy" She giggles, pulling Pete by the hand. "Come on now, let's go. I'm getting late for my part time job!"

That clicks Pete.

"You have a part time job?" He asks curious.

"Everyone does, the scholarship amount ain't much to survive in Bangkok"

Pete has to agree to that, according to his calculations he'd hardly have anything left after buying books and other necessary stuffs.

"Can you help me find one?" He asks hopefully.

"I work at a bakery shop, you wanna try? I can talk to the owner for you." She says.

"Yeah sure, thank you so much Leya! You're an angel!" Pete gives her a big genuine smile that makes his eyes crinkle and his dimples pop out.

"Wow I'm dazed, I can see why Elite girls are crushing on you!" She pretends to faint from Pete's dazzling smile.

Pete just rolls his eyes, laughing together with her. College might be tough but at least he got some good friends.

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant