Chapter 29

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He's awake for a while now, not wanting to leave the bed just yet, not when the warm cozy feeling of another body wrapped around his own is making his heart go all fuzzy like cotton. Waking up every day like this doesn't sound bad at all, not when he can see the face that occupies his every waking moment and even his dreams these days.

Pete is sure a cuddler, after two nights Vegas has no doubts. His limbs would automatically seek out Vegas in sleep. Vegas sighs a little, he's been staring at Pete's sleeping face for a while and he can't get enough of how cute the other looks drooling on his arm. His arm has gone off to sleep but Vegas couldn't care less. He had no idea sleeping next to someone could be so... healing. Or maybe it's just Pete. Because Vegas never slept in the same bed with his sex partners. So he's always used to waking up in a cold bed.

He can't help as his other hand come up to caress the side of Pete's face. He tucks back the one strand of hair falling on the other's face making him frown in sleep. Oh. This is bad.

But it's too late because Pete is already stirring and squinting at him. Not fully awake yet but would be soon.

Vegas gulps. What should he do? Pretend to sleep? Or just accept his fate. Vegas has no reference to proper course of action in this kind of situation.

So when Pete finally manages to open both eyes fully and blinks at him confused, Vegas just blinks back.

There's an awkward pause when Pete tries to look around and assess the situation with the limited head movement his current position allows. Vegas watches as his eyes grow wide with each second and then he's scrambling away from Vegas with a shriek pulling the blanket along looking absolutely terrified.

Vegas is flabbergasted. He was definitely not expecting this reaction. He pulls up a little shifting his bodyweight to a side.

Pete looks at him like he has seen a ghost. Vegas has half a mind to roll his eyes because the same guy was whining and kissing him desparately last night.

" did you do to me!"

And Vegas is speechless, is he being suspected of indecent behaviour right now?

"Me? What do you mean Pete" he can't help raising both eyebrows.

"Then...why... I'm in your bed clothes...these are not my clothes" he finishes with a frown inspecting his clothes over.

Vegas supress a laugh. Pete is so cute looking all freaked out over nothing.

"Hmm..what might have happened, I wonder." He replies thoughtfully.

And Pete turns red in front of his eyes, it's so easy to fluster his kitten. Vegas can't get enough of teasing him.

The younger bites his lip, fiddling with the corner of the blanket.

Vegas flicks his forehead lightly, "what naughty thoughts are running in your little head."

Pete looks scandalous. "I- no! I can't remember anything...what happened last night" He resigns with a pout.

Vegas' self control is hanging by a thin thread. Pete with his bed hair and smudged make up still on, looking so sinful and Vegas is but a human.

So he clears his throat a little,"why did you drink so much when you can't hold your liquor?"

Pete looks guilty. "I got carried away..."  Then as if suddenly remembering something says, "how did I get home? I don't remember getting on bus..."

"What do you think?" Vegas really wants to scold Pete now. How can he be so careless. "You have any idea how disgusting people are these days..what were you thinking drinking like that!"

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