chapter 10

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Vegas lets out a breathy laugh with a puff of smoke in one of the cubicles of the washroom. He can't believe his own words. Did Vegas Theerapanyakul develop 'conscience' overnight? What a joke.

He stubs the remaining cigarette with the heel of his boot, one hand coming up to massage the corner of his mouth, it's going to bruise. Bloody Sean! Couldn't he punch him elsewhere? But Vegas is pretty sure he's broken Sean's nose. If Nash didn't stop them it could've gone ugly.

Why did he do it? Vegas doesn't know. It's not like he has great moral values or something. True that Vegas doesn't physically bully others weaker than him but that's because there's no fun in overpowering someone who's already weak. But he also never went out of his way to stop bullying, he simply doesn't care. Only if someone challenges him Vegas will make sure to put them to place. People are scared of him for a reason.

So why now? Is it because Pete's his slave? Did he develop saviour complex for him? Or he just wanted to show Pete he can be a better master than Sean?

Whatever be the reason kindness is not something Vegas can afford, kindness means weakness. Vegas hates feeling weak. He let some guards down in front of Pete. Now he has to pull up his walls again.

Usually Royals have this bro-code among them, they don't go against eachother unless it's unavoidable. So if news goes out about Vegas and Sean fighting it'll be a big deal. Especially because they're friends. People will ultimately point fingers towards Pete for causing the riot and he'll be in bigger trouble.

Vegas sighs, slightly regretting his actions now.

He drives out to the bar alone. Only alcohol can help clearing the knots in his head.


"Hey you okay? You look pale!" Rain whispers. They're sitting in the library.

"He's like that ever since he disappeared before lunch." Leya supplies.

"It's nothing guy... really! I'm fine" Pete forces a smile. For some reason he thinks it's wise not to share anything about that incident to anyone.

"If you say so." Thankfully his friends don't pry into it more.

Pete can't help feel a little anxious, what would have happened after he left? They're not gonna fight, right?

Even though Vegas's words had weight, Pete couldn't understand why Vegas had to go against Sean, unless...'he was trying to help you' a small voice in him whispers.

But why'd Vegas help him? Maybe he really thinks Pete would ruin the project, maybe he doesn't trust him at all. Yeah, that must be it, it's not like Vegas actually cares for him.

He doesn't come across Vegas or any of them for the rest of the day. Pete returns home anxiously. As the elevator door opens into the penthouse, Pete sees a woman's high heel shoes at the entrance. Is someone visiting? He thinks. Will it be okay if they saw him here?

Carefully Pete enters into the house, but what he sees next has him feeling sucked out of breath for the next couple of seconds.

There's a naked woman on all fours on the couch and Vegas is fucking literally ramming into her from behind with animalistic force.

Vegas's eyes shots up in his direction. The look in them is sinister. Pete feels sick. He can't seem to move.

"Enjoying what you see?" Vegas speaks, an evil smirk plastered on his face. The girl looks like she's in pain, she constantly urges him to slow down but Vegas is not even looking at her, his eyes focused on Pete.

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