chapter 18

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Back to present...


It's been a week since the little stunt Pete pulled for Vegas's attention. It worked...well to some extent.

As Vegas would be back home early now and not wasted. He also didn't bring any of his sex partners home. He'd visit Pete everyday and ask about his injury. He'd help Pete to the toilet. Ask him to take pain medication. But that's all... Pete could feel Vegas is still holding back from him.

Did his words hurt Vegas that much? Would he have to apologise properly? Pete is deep in thought as he crosses the main gate of the campus. His head hung low and is not really paying attention to what's ahead. And bumps into someone.

That someone stumbles forward losing balance and Pete follows him. They both fall to the ground.

Shit! Pete curses mentally, not again. Flashes of first day coming back to him and he panics. Guess his peaceful days at college is coming to an end finally. But then there's a hand in front of his face offering help, Pete looks up and comes face to face with one of the most handsome men he's ever seen, well maybe only second to Vegas( the statement could be subjective).

Pete takes the hand feeling a little flustered and the handsome stranger helps him up.

"Th-thank you." Pete stutters.

"No problem." The guy gives him a big smile.

Pete blushes a little and lowers his gaze a bit but then he realises...

"Sorry! I'm really sorry...I wasn't looking ahead and bumped into you hurt anywhere?" He asks anxiously.

"Relax." The stranger chuckles. "Look I'm unharmed but...I think my painting is ruined."

"Huh?" Pete asks confused as the guy droops down to pick something up from the ground. It's a beautiful painting of a young man, upper body naked sitting on a chair seductively, it's torn at one edge.

Pete feels guilt eating him up. He bites his lower lip unconsciously blinking a few times at the guy.

"I... I'm really sorry...I know it's not enough but I really am. I -I'd do anything you ask to compensate for the damage! I'm such a dumbass please forgive me."

The stranger laughs a bit.

" do you wanna pay me back?"

Pete considers a bit, not with money obviously since he's broke and also this type of damage can't be compensated with money.

"You know you're really cute when you frown like that." The guy says out of the blue making Pete's eyes go wide and ears turn red. He's received compliments before but from a total stranger that too in the given situation left him flustered.

The stranger seems to find it amusing as he chuckles a little. "I'm Ryan btw, may I know your name cutie?" He extends his hands towards Pete again.

Pete shakes it, not being able gather his wits properly. "I'm Pete." He says shortly.

"Do you still want to help me?" Ryan asks.

Pete nods.

"Then be my model."

"Huh?" Pete asks confused.

"Be my model for remake of this painting." He clarifies.

Pete swallows, he's never done anything like that before.

"I'm not asking you as a compensation, I genuinely feel you'd be perfect for my concept." He scans Pete all over and Pete feels a little flustered being checked out openly.

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now