Chapter 28

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Vegas was having a good day so far. He had his best sleep in like years, cuddling with Pete's warm soft body, if Vegas could he'd never ever leave the bed again. Then waking up to Pete freaking out...was an experience. If he's being honest he actually even liked it, Pete anxious and vulnerable seeking assurance from him. It's almost adorable, just like everything else about his kitten. This was good, Vegas could get used to it.

Well that was until he decided to check his Instagram that evening. He just casually pressed on the circle around Pete's pfp (purely because he was bored and not at all anxious/ curious...those words are not even in his dictionary). But then boom! Gone was his cool in a matter of seconds. Culprit was the story Pete has put on his ig.

It's a photo of him in a dress which Vegas personally thinks should be illegal to wear, with Ryan! Of all fucking people what's that cunning fox doing there. He's not even in Pete's! And if that wasn't bad enough on his right was a huge muscle Hulk who Vegas couldn't recall having seen ever, looking at Pete with hungry eagle eyes. Vegas could practically feel the phone trembling in his hand. Didn't Pete say he was going out with friends? Since when is he friends with such creeps.

There were other stories too, and Vegas had to extend his research a bit by visiting the stories of people Pete mentioned in his own. And within half an hour he was restless with anxiety and had to put his phone aside and walk around his room four times before he could think rationally again.

So in a nutshell Pete is out somewhere  looking like a full course meal with hungry creeps lurking around and cherry on the top he looks pretty drunk.

So Vegas dialed the only number he could think of at that moment.

"About time you called." Answerd a female voice over a loud music in the background.

Vegas gritted his teeth, no he can yell later, he needs information first.

"Where's he?" He asked, focusing hard to maintain the tone.

"Hmm...idk, but he looks pretty happy, having fun you know."

Vegas closed his eyes, it's okay, stay calm.

"Let me guess you're the one who put him in that dress right?" Vegas tried to get the opponent to fumble with his intimidating voice but she was not having it.

"Yeah that was me, someone had to do the world how gorgeous he is, he doesn't deserve to cry over someone who's emotionally unavailable when he can have people lining up to worship him."

"Are you calling me emotionally unavailable?" Vegas couldn't believe the audacity of this girl. Just because he had to ask for her favour a couple of time seems like she's forgotten her place. And Vegas could very well put her back in place but he has other important business at hand which involves not pissing off the girl who was pissing him off right now. Does Pete not have normal friends?

He could hear a chuckle on the other side," at least you know it was about you" but her voice was interrupted by "....Leyaaaaaaa....look! This blue drink is soooooo pretty! Hehehe"

Suddenly Vegas's full attention was back as he heard a very familiar voice on the line. Then there was some commotion and he couldn't hear properly. Vegas frowned, his boy sounded dead drunk and that's not good at all.

Desparate, he said, "hey.. I'm not kidding you know, he sounds pretty bad, tell me where you guys are, I need to pick him up."

And probably it was the urgency in his voice but after a moment of silence the girl spoke again, "check your DM, I've sent you the location."

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now