chapter 5

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Some people are born with misfortune. No matter how much they try one can never beat the fate.

The realisation draws over Pete as he sits in what looks like an abandoned classroom with a few others who apparently share the same ill-fate as him.

The scholarship students, or the leftovers as they're called here. Their experienced ill-fated seniors currently orienting them to hooks and nooks of the famous Royal College of Bangkok. The unspoken rules and regulations they're supposed to follow, which Pete couldn't have found on the college website.

He thought he left his wretched, miserable identity back in Chonburi, dreamt of living an independent dignified life free from Theerapanyakul influence,at least in college. But guess people like him do not get to dream.

There are three types of students here, P'Sam, the senior who dragged him here explains.

1. The Royals, includes heirs of the biggest business empires of Thailand, some generational chaebols, and children of influential politicians or celebrities.

2. The Elites, they constitute major percentage of students here, children of influencers, doctors, lawyers, models, celebs and other businessmen.

3. And lastly the scholarship students or the Leftovers like Pete.

The leftovers are nothing but errand boys for the Elites and Royals. They have to sit and stand on their command, get bullied for their entertainment, cross them and you're done for.

"Listen guys, never forget what you came in this college for, don't get distracted, don't lose hope... it's a struggle for 4 years, but remember what you're doing this for because once you get out of this college with a degree you can pursue a life just like them, a life where you can live with your heads up, where you don't have to bend to others on the contrary you'll have people bowing to strive for it!" P'Sam ends her vigorous speech and everyone claps.

Pete is so moved he can almost feel tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

That's right, 4 years! After that he can bid goodbye to misery. But till then he'll have to endure for himself and his grandmother.

"And one more thing," another senior guy P'Bar speaks up, "try not to get in the ways of Royals if possible. It's not completely avoidable but trust me it's for your own good. You don't wanna become a Royal's personal slave."

"And for girls, stay out of their hair, especially Vegas Theerapanyakul, that guy a maniac, sex addict and womanizer. He's slept with at least half of the girls in the college, never repeating one. So don't fall for his good looks ladies, he's a bastard."

Everyone gasps and start murmuring among themselves. Pete can feel his ears turning hot hearing about Vegas. He knew Vegas was no good, but this sounds really awful even for his low expectations. Pete feels nauseated thinking he's supposed to serve a man like this. Thankfully at least he's not a girl.

"Hi! I'm Leya, are you a business major too?" A girl speaks up to him stopping his mental dissection of Vegas's character.

"Yes, how'd you know?"

"Haha... it's in your admission letter." She points towards the piece of paper in Pete's hand.

"Oh... right!" Pete laughs awkwardly, "I'm Pete btw....but that's in my resume too."

They both laugh at that.

"Guess we already missed the official orientation, wanna go to class together?" She offers.

Pete nods, smiling.

Okay, maybe he can actually make some friends here.

They reach class without any further trouble. Leya says scholar students are supposed to sit in the last benches. Pete follows.

"Hey you!" They were about to sit when someone calls.
Pete turns around to see a group of students looking at them.

"Come here" one of the guys points at him.

Pete goes, not like he has a choice.

"Go and buy drinks for us," he shoves some money in Pete's direction.

Pete takes a deep breath, it's okay this is the beginning only.

By the time he comes back the professor is already here. Pete gets an earful for being late to the very first lecture. He can only hung his head.

Leya gives him a sympathetic look. Pete gives her a smile in return.

Rest of the classes go relatively untroubled. Then it's lunch time. All the first year scholars from different departments gather at a place. They can enter the cafeteria only after Elites and Royals are done ordering. By then lunch time is almost over, hence they mostly have to eat from the roadside stalls outside campus. Pete has no problem with that.

He gets some curry rice and starts eating. It's not as good as his grandma's but he's eating real food for the first time since yesterday.

"Eat slowly, you'll chole!" Ping, a guy from Architect major Pete supposes, tells him.

He nods, mouth full to reply verbally.

"You're pretty famous Pete," Rain, from dept. of photography says adjusting his big af glasses. He looks really nerdy in them.

Pete raises an eyebrow, confused.

"Everyone in our dept was talking about your encounter with the Royals in the morning." Rain continues, "some Elite girls were even crushing on you, they think you're cute." He finishes a bit flustered at his own statement.

"Oooooooo" everyone hypes, "guess Pete's gonna get hooked up soon!"

Pete shrugs, it's not new to him. He's had admirers back in school too. But he never fell for anyone, or maybe he was just too busy studying.

"Pete's pretty indeed," Leya says, " if he wasn't a guy I'd bet boys would make a queue to ask him out."

"Don't exaggerate" Pete rolls his eyes.

"She's right tho," Min, another girl from political science speaks up, "I bet even Vegas would've pursued him lol"

Pete chokes on his curry. Hell no! He's had men pursuing him before but Vegas is a big NO! Not that Vegas would actually pursue him or something but even the idea is repulsive.

"I'd have agreed but Vegas never pursues anyone, from what I've heard girls go and beg him to sleep with them!" Ping says.

"What bullshit! Do you think we girls have no self respect? Why'd we beg a guy like that?" Leya protests," stop spreading misinformation"

Ping shuts up at that.

After lunch Pete has classes again, so he bids goodbye to the rest. He took up some higher courses too, so he has more classes than others.

After spending ten minutes trying to find the correct classroom in this giant campus with his poor sense of direction, Pete finally reaches the class. He's almost late again.

He goes straight for the last bench, not wanting any trouble. Once sat, he looks around to find any other scholar attending the class, only to find out the person sitting beside him is none other than Vegas himself.

"Stop gaping and look in front," Vegas speaks through clenched teeth," don't disturb me when I sleep."

Pete gulps and nods. The professor enters. Pete can't seem to focus at all, everything he heard about Vegas swirling in his head and he can't really ignore Vegas's presence beside him. Vegas really sleeps though, throughout the class without a care.

Pete keeps stealing glances at him. This bastard is really handsome, is what he concludes at the end of the class.

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