Chapter 17

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One month ago...

"You're Pete's friend right?" Vegas asks adjusting his sunglasses. According to his sources this is the girl Pete hangs out most with. They also work together in a bakery. They're pretty close. Vegas doesn't know how to feel about the last part.

"Yes sir." She replies.

Vegas scans her head to toe. She's witty. And looks pretty decent too. He frowns. Is Pete into nerdy girls? But that's not the point now, he has other things at hand.

"So you must know the people he hangs out with?"

"Sort of?" She sounds cautious.

"Then tell me, Leya, right? What happened to Pete yesterday. The truth only." Vegas stresses on the last words.

Her eyes widens for a fraction of second before the composed facade is back. 

So she knows something.

"Sorry I don't follow?" She pretends ignorance.

"Oh I'm sure I can make you remember." Vegas smirks taking slow steps in her direction.

She retreats. Vegas can feel she's scared but trying hard not to show.

"Look I don't mean any harm. So if you help me I can assure it stays between us. Also I'd owe you one." He takes a different strategy now, "now it's your choice if you want to tell me everything and be on my good graces or not, because I have other ways too."

She seems to consider for a while. Then says, "you're not going to hurt Pete are you?"

"Quite the opposite actually." Vegas muses.

"Ok, I'll tell you whatever I know."

That's more like it.

But what he hears next has him reeling with anger. Someone has called for Vegas Theerapanyakul's wrath.

"What's the girl's name you said?"

"Rose, that's what was written in the letter Pete showed me. She's a Biotech major. Probably an Elite."

Vegas nods, jaw working. He just needs to find out those mfs now. It won't be tough. He'll make sure they regret having born. It's been a while since Vegas has exercised his hands.

Only old ancestral money isn't enough to maintain the power and influence their family has all over Thailand. There's a lot of dirty works Vegas often has to get involved in. Violence isn't unfamiliar to him.

"Btw...does Pete get confessed often?" He asks. He's just curious, not like he cares.

Leya laughs a little, "oh yes, he's really popular. He gets asked out every other day. Even by guys."

Vegas's face hardens. That's not a piece of information he was looking forward to.

"And...did he say yes to anyone yet?" Vegas doesn't like the way his own words sound. Something unpleasant starting to bloom inside his chest, it's a nasty feeling.

"Umm... I'm not sure if I'm qualified to answer that."

This smart bitch.

"Sure." Vegas tries to appear nonchalant. Well why should he be bothered anyways? Vegas himself is no less popular, he can get anyone he wants. Who cares if Pete already likes someone, it's not a competition.

"And what about you? Do you like him?" Vegas pretends to be busy fiddling with his sunglasses as he waits for the reply.

"Ofcourse not." She denies quickly, "we're just friends."

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now