Chapter 24

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Being born with a silver spoon in mouth is a dream of many. Vegas can't understand though. What's so good about it?

Everything comes with a price. In case of him it's a wholesome package of childhood trauma. If he was rich and happy too the equilibrium of the world would be disrupted. One can't have both. So Vegas had made peace with the fact that all the happiness of his destiny must have been replaced with disgusting amount of wealth.

But the arrival of a piece of sunshine in his cold palace made him momentarily forget the truth and he deluded himself into thinking maybe...just maybe he could be happy too.

But the reality check came soon enough.

It's the same day when he kissed Pe- no, it's the day he fought with Ryan. He was smiling ear to ear (maybe blushing too) in his car. Everything felt too good to be true. So when his phone rang and the caller ID showed up, Vegas knew his quota of happiness was over.

It was his father.

After his routine dose of reminding Vegas what a worthless and incapable heir he is, a total disgrace to Theerapanyakul name he finally came to business. There's a casino in the city under Theerapanyakul's name. Vegas knows about it, he's been there a few times for deals.

Apparently his cousin Kinn is causing some trouble there. And Vegas needs to stop it.

Kinn's father and his father are cousins. So they too are Theerapanyakuls but not the direct heir to throne like Vegas is. Kinn's grandfather had thought being royalty isn't enough anymore, so he had spread his realm into the underground, the Mafia. His father who was still the king of Chonburi wasn't happy with it and removed him from the successor of throne. Thus Vegas's grandfather became the next king even though he was originally the spare. The two brothers became rivals after that which was passed down to generations.

Kinn's father made quite a name in the mafia world and has recently handed over all responsibilities to Kinn, declaring him the new clan leader. They even sent invitations to Vegas for the official ceremony.

Vegas has met Kinn a few times and he's sure even if their fathers weren't rivals he'd still hate that asshole. As if being an underworld leader makes him superior in some way...that nasty attitude he has. And if that wasn't enough his own father keeps reminding him from time to time how very much 'capable' Kinn is, being the same age as Vegas, already leading a mafia clan while Vegas is out there spending their family's fortune which wasn't even supposed to be his if kinn's grandfather wasn't a rebel.

Anyways Kinn is supposedly doing some illegal dealings under their property right now. And Vegas has to go there in person and do something about it, his father's order.

Groaning in frustration he calls the casino and then some of his men.

As he enters the casino he's welcomed with sounds of gunshots and panicked people rushing out. Fucking Kinn!

"Move everyone out!" He shouts.

"Where's he?" He asks and some employee, clearly freaked out, shows him the way. Vegas follows.

He flungs the door open and is met by a sight he hasn't imagined of seeing, well if the situation was otherwise he might have found it pretty amusing too.

There are dead bodies scattered around, some might not be dead but gravely injured.

Then there is Kinn, on the ground. His hands up, expression a mixture a pain and betrayal, eyes fixed upon a guy whose back is faced towards Vegas and is kneeling on the ground. That guy is pointing a gun, at Kinn. There are few of Kinn's bodyguards, surrounding that guy...but not shooting him.

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