Chapter 27

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Pete wakes up feeling confused and disoriented. The bed under him feels too cozy and there's something solid and warm against him. He stirs a little but something is holding him tight in place. His sleep mushed brain still lagging behind so he can't make out what it is.

There's a constant noise in the background which is the reason he woke up. He blindly tries to move around and stop whatever the source of noise disturbing his peaceful sleep is. But that something wrapped around his middle is stopping him from moving. He groans... something is not right.

It takes him some time to be able to finally open his eyes. At first he squints followed by a couple of blinking. What comes into vision has his eyes grow wide rapidly. A smooth chest moving up and down, the breathing matching his own. Slowly his brain cognitive centres start to work and Pete realises there's another body in the bed with him, and that body inevitably belongs to none other than Vegas Theerapanyakul! Because last night... slowly the memories return, last night he and Vegas were studying, they had snacks together then... then... Pete can't remember what happened at last. How come he's in bed with Vegas? The bed also feels he still in Vegas's room...

But wait a minute, if last night they had a study session then today...

Pete jolts up suddenly pulling himself forcefully away from Vegas. Today he has an exam! And he fell asleep without completing the revision!

Panic sweeps in his system rapidly. Fully alert now. His eyes find the wall-clock that says it's 8:38 am, their reporting time is 10:15. He overslept! This is a first, he has a record for waking up early. Pete turns to look at Vegas, who's finally awake because of his squirming. Vegas squints at him, looking confused. Then reaches out to turn off the alarm clock at bedside.

Pete swallow, he's so done for. He's gonna fail today for sure...and then his scholarship is gone ...and then he can't continue his studies... he'd have to go back to Chonburi and then..

"Pete! Pete! Hey!" Finally Vegas' voice registers in his ears.

"Breathe!" Vegas commands, sitting up as well.

Pete lets out a shaky breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"I didn't complete the syllabus..." The words come out as small, barely above whisper. His body trembling involuntary.

Two strong arms quickly wrap around his body bringing him closer.

"Pete..shh! It's okay... you've done enough, I saw me your preparation is far above average... it's okay, don't panic, it's okay...focus on your breathing, you're fine!" Vegas rubs his back soothingly.

Pete tries. Vegas's warm body and soothing words helping him calm down a little.

"I won't fail right?" His fear threatening to come out at the tone of his voice.

Vegas lets out a breathy laugh at that.

"If you fail, who's gonna pass silly!" The man flicks his nose playfully.

"Stop pouting now, go freshen up and get dressed, I'd take out the car, you can revise while I drive and we can get some sandwiches to eat in the way, how does that sound?"

Pete nods, not fully confident but feeling better than before. Letting Vegas decide the course of action leaves him with less headache. And Pete's not sure if his brain is capable of multitasking at this moment.

Detangling himself from Vegas feels ...weird. The sudden loss of warmth doing no good to his nerves. But he has to get ready. If it was another occasion Pete would have freaked out about the fact that he actually slept in Vegas's bed with the man for a whole night. But at this moment he's just too stressed out about the exam.

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