Chapter 8

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Waking up the first thought that crosses Vegas's mind is ...Pete. It annoys him. Vegas needs to put him to his place, last night somehow left Vegas feeling that Pete got the upper hand. He never likes losing.

Vegas thought a lot but he can't seem to find a rational explanation of Pete's exaggerated reaction. Is it because he's straight? But Vegas is straight himself, and it wasn't even an intentional kiss. Heck, it wasn't even a proper kiss! So why did that little menace look so disgusted? As if it was a big deal...if anything Vegas should be the one feeling disgusted, Pete is nowhere near his level. But he can't deny Pete's lips felt good, better than any girl Vegas tasted though he's not much fan of kissing.

He groans, no, this isn't it. This shit isn't worth so much of Vegas's attention. As much as Vegas wants to lash out on Pete, cornering him about the kiss would make himself look like the desparate one. Vegas is a bit too proud for that, he'd rather pretend it never happened and make Pete's life hell in other ways.

An evil smirk forms in his lips. Pete is at his disposal anyways.

His stomach cramps suddenly causing him to wince. Shit all that spicy food last night. Cursing Pete, he swiftly ran towards the washroom.

Coming out of a nice shower he felt fresh after a long time. Maybe because he returned home early yesterday and had a good night's sleep. Vegas considers, dining at home doesn't seem like a bad idea suddenly. Not when he can watch Pete squirm under his gaze and pick at him. Vegas smirks thinking about his new found entertainment.

His phone beeps, Vegas checks for important message from his father or business partners, dealers etc. He hasn't finished college yet but he already manages many of their business deals. Meets with dealers, factory owners and share holders.

He is also considering making his own company. Even though everyone and his father thinks he's an worthless alcoholic, Vegas works hard. He wants to prove himself, he wants to do something outside the name of his family, something as a personal achievement not handed over by ancestors. He's already started making connections in the industry. Though he has a long way to go.

Vegas frowns, looking at the new group chat he's been added to. Wait Pete's in that group as well.

Nash: let's meet at our usual place today and discuss the project.

Dan: Wake me up when it's time, I'm off to sleep again

Sean: Where is @pete , we can't start the discussion without our favourite junior ofcourse

[Everyone reacts with laughing emojis and sticker]

Seems like Sean has taken a particular interest in Pete. It's not unusual for a Royal to take a personal slave. Vegas never had one though, the idea of latching onto one person doesn't sit right with him. But the thought of Sean having Pete somehow annoyed him even more. Pete was given to him, Pete is his!

Dan: Anyone heard from @vegas? He went home early last night (sus). @vegas are you hiding a secret wifey at home?

Vegas looks at the chat, mortified. He's going to kill Dan today. Pete's in the group chat as well! But Dan doesn't know about his connection to Pete, still, he can't just sprout nonsense anywhere. Vegas needs to punch his guts a couple of time.

Prim: Shut up Dan!

Nash: Dan, wrong group chat

Dan: oops sorry!

[Text deleted]

Sighing Vegas puts down the phone on the bed and focuses on getting dressed. He choses a black shirt and white pants with leather boots. Vegas rarely wears casual, it's not that de doesn't like to, but he feels less in control that way. And Vegas likes control more than anything. Or maybe it's just the obnoxious royal blood in his veins as his friends like to say.

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