chapter 3

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When khun Gun said he's to accompany Vegas to Bangkok and live with him under the same roof, Pete already had his dreams crushed.

If Gun is a devil, Vegas has the reputation of Satan himself. Pete has seen Vegas before, a couple of times, growing up.

He can't remember ever seeing that boy smile. Wherever he goes a dark aura follows him.

Pete can't help but be on his toes around Vegas. Scared to offend him by chance. And seems like he already did given his reactions to Pete. Vegas seems to hate him already.

Just a great start for his so called 'new life'. The idea almost sounds like a joke now. Pete will be Vegas's personal errand boy and one can assume he's not looking forward to it at all.

The only thing keeping up his spirit is his new college! Pete can't wait to see it in person. He's searched a bit on the internet. It looks magnificent. Hopefully he'll make some good friends and good memories there. He'll study very very hard. Then get a good job, rent an apartment, bring his grandmother here...and finally they can be free and happy. Or so he thought.

But first, he needs to go through this 4 years of college with Vegas Theerapanyakul as his master.

Vegas is a little older than him, as far as pete knows. Maybe 22-23? Is he about to finish college? Pete wonders.

Bangkok is huge. Tall buildings and sky scrapers everywhere. Roads and fly overs packed with cars. Pete tries to memorize the road they're taking, but soon gives up confused.

After a drive of around 5 hours finally the car enters a huge apartment complex. Vegas parks in the underground parking lot and gets off without a word.

Pete follows, stopping only to take out his luggage from the boot of the car. They take the elevator, he notices Vegas clicks 23rd floor.

The whole elevator ride is in awkward silence. Vegas constantly ignoring his presence. Finally the door opens leading them to one of most luxurious penthouses in Bangkok.

Pete is amazed, the palace of Chonburi has its own glamour but this is on another level. All modern architecture with lavish furniture. Pete feels significantly out of place in his shabby clothes and old dirty sneakers.

He tries to shrink to minimize his presence.

Vegas moves further inside and only then looks back for the first time.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" His voice laced with irritation.

"Umm..Where should I stay khun Vegas?" Pete asks uncertainly.

"Leave your shoes at the door and come inside, I'll show you." Vegas replies, impatience palpable in his voice.

Pete does as told. Vegas takes him to a corner of the house just beside the kitchen and opens a door to what looks like a room?

"This is your room." He states.

"Now before you get settled, let me make a few things clear." Vegas starts,
"I absolutely hate people invading my personal space, so unless absolutely necessary you'll keep yourself out of my sight. Tomorrow morning a maid will come, she'll tell you what all you're supposed to do."

"You can use the kitchen to cook for yourself but remember I don't tolerate mess. Do not touch my things at all. Live like you're invisible and snitch to my father whatever you like but mind you, it's ME you're gonna live with, so choose wisely."

Pete gulps at that, remembering Gun's words about reporting Vegas's whereabouts. Good, now he's stuck between this father and son internal politics.

"And lastly about college, you'll pretend you don't know me at all. If I find you babbling about me ... you'd see what happens." Vegas promises darkly.

Pete can feel his legs shaking by the time Vegas finishes. He presumed living with Vegas is going to be tough but this is pure invitation to hell.

"Now go, you're dismissed." With that Vegas walks away and Pete doesn't see him for the rest of the day.

He cleans his room. Unpacks, takes a much needed shower in the bathroom across the hall which Vegas said he can use. Then opens his second hand laptop to read the rules and regulations of college all over again. He brought some books with him as recommended by seniors in the uni group chat he was automatically added to after completing online admission.

Tomorrow is the first day, Pete is as excited as he's nervous.

After some studying he decides to take a nap. When he wakes up again it's already dark outside.

Pete realises he's hungry. So he tip toes to the kitchen only to find out it's empty. Nothing to eat at all. Vegas said he could use the kitchen, guess he'd have to buy his own ingredients.

He decides to check out the market tomorrow. As of today... he'll just drink some water to sleep. But his stomach protests. Pete always had a good appetite, they were poor but his grandmother never starved him.

It's okay Pete, one day of starving won't kill you, he tells himself. He did have some snacks in the morning though from that convenience store.

Lastly he makes a quick call to his grandmother when he knows she is done working for the day, telling her about his safe arrival. He lies saying Vegas is really nice to him, and he ate a good meal and assumes he'll have to keep up this lie for the next 4 years.

It's already past 10 at night, Vegas is supposedly still out. After fidgeting a bit in his new bed Pete finally falls asleep.

Tomorrow, his new life begins...


After clubbing till late night and a good hook up with a random girl Vegas stumbles back to his house at around 2 am.

Drunk as he is, the first thing he senses he's not alone in this huge building. It's a strange feeling because Vegas is so used to coming back home to no one.

He passes out on the sofa not bothering to go back to his room.

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now