Chapter 25

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It is like Vegas has sworn to contradict every single of Pete's resolve. When he wanted something to happen between them Vegas would give him the cold shoulder and now that he wants to avoid the other, Vegas seems to be everywhere. Not only that he'd deliberately seek Pete out, order him around with weird demands, as if he just discovered Pete's on his beck and call. Sometimes Pete feels Vegas enjoys this, just to see him squirm under his gaze...what a sadist!

Thankfully it's the exams week, so even if Vegas wants he can't annoy Pete as much as he'd like. But still that devil won't let go of any small opportunity that is there.

Like the other day he suddenly wanted green tea instead of his usual black coffee that tastes bitter like his soul ( yeah, Pete had a sip out of curiosity), rich people and their weird taste.

But the problem was, since he almost never had to make green tea, that thing was high up in the kitchen cabinet and Pete couldn't get it even after tip-toeing. He was considering getting a stool or something when suddenly he felt fingers around his waist... directly upon his skin! Since his shirt was lifted a little as he was trying to reach the upper shelf. He jolted in his place, It didn't take him genius to know who those warm slender fingers belonged to. And Vegas lifted him up, casually, as if he weighs nothing. Pete got the tea bags ofcourse and a free body blush along with that.

Another time Pete was doing the dishes after dinner and he felt a warm presence on his back, and two big arms circling his own...when he turned around his confusion was answered by an innocent looking Vegas saying "you can get back to study sooner if I help." Pete couldn't argue with that, and somehow it took him twice the normal time with Vegas' aid.

And ofcourse on the first day of exams, when Pete is nervous as hell, he's so sure he forgot every single thing, Vegas is out there leaning on his car, "let me give you a ride, you can revise in the car." And Pete's brain is malfunctioning with all the information overload of the paper, so he just kinda mechanical walks into the car. Thankfully Vegas' brain is working alright, even though he too has exams, but obviously a mere paper isn't enough to fluster Vegas Theerapanyakul.

So he says," you want me to drop you here outside or near exam hall?"

Finally Pete looks up from his notes to see they have reached the uni.

"No no here here..." He quickly puts back everything into his backpack.

Pete rushes out and closes the car door behind but Vegas calls him back. So he turns after taking a quick look around to see if anyone is watching and leans closer to the window.

"Your phone", Vegas hands him the device, just pete and his clumsiness.

Pete takes it, feeling a little light headed with Vegas being so close, he's about to pull away when suddenly Vegas presses a kiss on his cheek and whispers "break a leg" to his ears.

Then he casually rolls up the window and drives away leaving a stupified Pete behind.

For a minute or two Pete forgets he has a paper to write and then the nervousness comes rushing back but now it is accompanied by a wild beating of his heart that is almost threatening to jump out of his chest.

Fuck Vegas! If Pete messes up today that's on him.

He doesn't though. Once he gets the question paper, the answers come easily at his fingertips. By the time the bell rings Pete is sure he has aced this one.

"Woha man! It's just the first paper and I already feel like giving up!"

"Not at all looking forward to tomorrow...they didn't even give gaps between two papers! How cruel!"

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now