chapter 11

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"You should stop drinking Sean" Dan says, trying to snatch the glass away from his hand.

Sean doesn't listen. He's much too furious to form any rational thought.

" That bastard! Does he really think he's a king or something because of his stupid ancestors! Lecturing me that too in front of that lowlife!" He snarls, chugging down another shot.

"I'm not letting it end so easily," he shakes his head, "that lackey saw me getting humiliated, he's probably laughing his ass out somewhere now babbling his cheap mouth about my pathetic plight."

"You're drunk Sean, let's go I'll drive you home." Dan tries again.

"Let go!" Sean pushes him away, " I'm gonna make him pay, I'm gonna make his life soo just see, I'll have the time of my life watching him suffer under my feet!"

"Are you talking about Vegas?" Dan asks unsure.

Sean laughs. "Nah, that fucker ain't it, I can punch him again if I need to, but my father wants me to be good to him, his fam owns a lot of shares of our company." He scoffs.

"But I'm gonna crush that little shit, Pete, I could see the glint in his eyes watching me getting humiliated, he's getting on my nerves."

"What are you gonna do?" Dan asks.

"I'm gonna make him my personal slave!" Sean laughs a sinister laugh full of dark promise.


The next couple of days goes in a blur. Vegas had to meet a lot of dealers and investors. He's rarely at home, except at night.

Vegas had made a habit of coming home early. And if he's honest with himself he kinda looks forward to dinner time.

Also he's been avoiding his group lately after his fight with Sean. Dan and Nash keep urging them to make up but neither Vegas nor Sean is budging.

And Vegas doesn't do socializing, he hardly knows anyone except those 4-5 people that too because they have similar status and are in the same major. So drinking alone isn't really appealing to him. And why'd he drink alone in misery when there's something much more interesting having his attention at home.

But Pete's been busy too. He even asked for Vegas's permission regarding some part time job. Vegas wanted to decline at first but couldn't say no to Pete's face looking expectantly at him. Is he short on money? Vegas wonders. So they haven't been seeing much of eachother except during dinner.

The weekend arrives. Vegas can finally be at home for more than a couple of hours. He wakes up thirsty at midnight only to find Pete in the dinning hall with laptop opened in front and a lot of books and papers scattered around, typing vigourously.

Vegas slowly walks upto him from behind, leans down near his ear and whispers, "No sleeping yet?"

Pete shudders letting out a yelp. Vegas finds the shocked expression on his face amusing.

"Kh-khun Vegas!" He exclaims.

"Why're you so shocked? I can't be walking around in my own house?" Vegas decides to tease.

"That's not what I meant," Pete is quick to decline, looking scared," I'm sorry, I'll go back to my room now."

"Why? Are you doing something shady you can't do in my presence?" Vegas cocks an eyebrow.

"Obviously No!" Pete flushes, "I'm writing the project, tomorrow is my deadline." He mutters.

Vegas had totally forgotten about it after bragging about doing his own part.

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now