Chapter 13

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TW!⚠️ Attempted sexual assault!


Aphrodite that's what the name says in the text Sean sent him with the address of the bar. Pete has never really been to a bar before let alone a five star VIP one.

He swallows nervously standing at the entrance and almost considers not going in. But the sooner he gets this done with the better. And what can go wrong? Worst scenario they'll make him drink some weird drinks, ask him to dance or something and make fun of him. Pete could do with that.

Determined he gets inside, showing the card Sean gave him before to the guards. A worker leads him to where he's supposed to go. Pete wonders if Vegas would be there too. He didn't tell Vegas about this, well Vegas told him to keep his college life separate.

One half of him wishes Vegas would be there, somehow his presence will make Pete less uncomfortable, he thinks. But the other half thinks it's better if he's not, he has a bad feeling about today and last thing he wants is Vegas losing his cool and doing something drastic. As if he'd care if you get bullied. His inner voice snickers.

They stop outside a closed door. The guy who brought him here knocks twice and the door opens. Pete takes a step in trying to calm his nerves. At first he has to squint his eyes. The room is filled with smoke and colourful pink yellow blue lights flashing from all sides and loud music. He feels suffocated already. After his vision clears a bit, he can see Sean sitting in the middle of a big L shaped couch. There are a few other boys and girls Pete couldn't recognise.

Sean points a finger at his direction and signals him to come forward. Pete does, heart beat peaking. Sean pats the seat beside him, Pete obeys and sits there.

"Oho! Look who we have here!" Sean declares, and the music goes down a bit as every eye seems to turn towards Pete. Pete feels his skin crawling at the unwanted attention.

"The MVP of today's show!" Sean laughs so hard, head falling on the backrest. Everyone hoots, as if he's said something really funny.

He then flings one arm across Pete's shoulder, "C'mon don't be so tense, it's a party! Enjoy yourself!" Pete gives him a pressed smile. His palms sweating, already regretting coming here.

"A' Tin! Give our special drink to Pete! He needs to loosen up a bit."

The guy named Tin brings him a drink. Pete has tasted alcohol before with palace guards and workers, hiding from his grandmother a few times, cheap liquor. He knows he doesn't have a good tolerance.

He brings up the blue liquid to his mouth and takes a sip. It's not bad, slightly bitter with a burning aftertaste. He keeps taking sips to distract himself from the surroundings. People are dancing, some are making out in the corners probably.

A girl comes to sit on Sean's lap. So close that her legs touch Pete's knees. Pete shifts away a little. Sean chuckles, as the girl proceeds to unbutton his shirt.

"Are you shy Pete? C'mon! Have some fun...this is what people do in nightclubs."

Pete feels a little lightheaded, he's already chugged down a couple of drinks. Someone is replacing his empty glass with a filled one every time.

Pete watches as the girl starts kissing Sean everywhere slowly moving down his body. But Sean isn't watching her, his eyes glued to Pete reading his every expression. Pete is suddenly reminded of the day he saw Vegas having sex with a girl in their house, he feels bitter inside, chugging down another glass of liquor.

"You like this too.. don't you?" Sean asks smirking. Pete frowns not able to form a coherent thought.

Suddenly a hand slides down his shoulder to his chest, Pete looks up at the intrusion and sees a girl in short black dress behind him, he tries to swat away the hand instinctively.

YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEVER WANTED (A VP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now