Chapter 4

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Pete is a morning person, not by choice though.

He had to wake up early in Theerapanyakul mansion, and help the servants everyday before going to school so as to not earn the freeloader title.

Old habits die hard, so here Pete is awake already at 5:30. To be honest he was so anxious about college that he couldn't even sleep properly. Feeling a bit drowsy he decides to leave bed anyways.

Also, today he's supposed to start working for Vegas as well, so it's better to get ready early.

Morning activities first, so he strides across the hall to reach the bathroom in order to freshen up. Near the big sofa in the middle of the hall his feet stumbles across something and he falls facefirst over...a body?

Scared out of shit Pete quickly sits up and the body beneath him also stirs and turns around, a groaning sound escapes his mouth.

Horrified Pete realises he's sitting over none other than than Vegas Theerapanyakul. As if it wasn't enough something hard pokes his butt where he's sitting and it takes Pete a while to realise what it is. He's utterly mortified.

Vegas squints at him,
"How long are you planning to sit on my crotch?" His deep morning voice sends shiver down Pete's spine.

He stands up finally getting out of trans, heat creeping up his neck. Pete might just dig a hole and die on the spot. Instead he runs away towards the bathroom.

Closing the door behind he finally stops to catch a breath. His whole face turned red.

Even though virgin, Pete isn't innocent. He knows all the stuff he's supposed to know. He's seen boys of his class fucking girls in school toilets. He's seen palace guards and maids having sex in secret hallway. Watched porn with friends in high school.

But nothing ever left him as flustered as Vegas's morning wood did. Covering his face with his hands he groans.

Does he have to apologise to Vegas? But this was purely an accident, won't Vegas let this one slide?

Sighing Pete quickly finishes his business. Thankfully by the time he comes out Vegas is already gone, probably to sleep in his room.

By 7 am the housemaid comes, an elderly woman. Apparently Vegas or khun Gun told her about him in advance. She tells him his duties which roughly includes, cleaning the house twice a week, helping her cook in the morning, doing laundry in the weekends, feeding Vegas's hedgehog twice daily and dinner is solely Pete's responsibility. Until now Vegas would eat out at night but Khun Gun has specifically told her that Pete has to make dinner, apparently to control Vegas's alcohol addiction.

This Pete could do. But how Vegas would comply is something he can't predict.

Other than this he's supposed to do whatever errands Vegas wants him to run.

After sorting out everything, they start making breakfast with the ingredients the old maid brought with her. Pete remembers he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. His stomach starts grumbling again.

"Didn't have breakfast?" The old woman asks.

Embarrassed, Pete shakes his head.

"You should never work in an empty stomach," she says shoving a piece of bread in his hand.

"But this.." pete hesitates.

"It's okay, master wouldn't know, buy your own ingredients later today, I'll tell you where the market is." She assures.

Pete smiles gratefully and takes the bread.

Vegas comes down at around 8:40.

"Here, your hangover soup." the old maid whose name is Mrs. Nam Pete knows now, places a bowl of soup in front of Vegas who comes to sit on the dining table, brows pulled in a frown, clutching his head with both his hands.

"Your father really wants you to cut down on alcohol," Mrs. Nam starts, Vegas just groans in response but drinks the soup nevertheless.

"From today, Pete will make dinner everyday, you have to dine at home, okay?" Pete quickly comes in front and bows, his name being mentioned.

Vegas looks up and huffs out a dry laugh.
"Anything else my dear father wants me to do? Do I have to report my peeing and pooping time to him too?"

His eyes falls upon Pete and a chill runs down his spine at how much hatred there is in Vegas's look.

By 9:30, Pete is ready to leave for college, it's a little early but he doesn't want to miss out on orientation ceremony.

Hesitantly he tells/asks Vegas that he's heading out. Vegas just waves his hand dismissively not even looking up from his laptop.

Stepping out the first thing Pete realises is that, he doesn't know the way to college. Seriously, how did he not think it before? He feels utterly stupid and lost.

After asking several strangers, he finally gets to the bus stop where his bus is supposed to come.
After a 20 minutes bus ride he finally reaches the campus.

The main gate itself is so massive , Pete has to craine his neck to have to good look.

Bubbling with excitement he enters the campus. It's even more beautiful than shown in pictures. Pete can't have enough of his new college, he keeps turning left to right, not wanting to miss a single view.

He was so engrossed in his little exploration that he doesn't realise as he collides into someone.

Quickly regaining his balance Pete is about to apologise when two strong arms grab him by the collar.

"Watch where you're going!" An angry  voice says.

"I... I'm s-sorry!" He stutters.

In his periphery he can feel many people gathering. Shit! Not the ideal start of college he expected.

The arms releases him and he staggers back.

"Keep your filthy shadow out of our line." Another voice warns.

Pete looks up to see it's a group of very wealthy looking guys and girls and surrounding them are many other people, probably here for the fun.

"Look at his clothes...are those rags?" A very pretty looking girl in small red dress snickers in his direction.

Pete suddenly becomes very self conscious. He knows he's poor, but he still did his best to look good for the first day of college. Are his clothes that bad?

"Oh my! Look at his guts! Still he gonna fight back? Lol"

"People really don't know their place huh!"

"Every year same drama!"

More and more voices keep coming, Pete can't seem to breathe. What is happening?

Suddenly someone places a hand on his shoulder.

"He's new sir, doesn't know the rules yet. Please spare him this once, we'll teach him better." A female voice says from beside Pete.

"Hmm...teach him well." The first guy says.

Bowing once she drags Pete by the elbow. Pete can just follow.

"Just follow me, I'll tell you everything." She says once they're out of the crowd.

Pete can't seem to form a word. His pulse still hammering in his ear from the adrenaline rush before.

He silently complies.

While being dragged away he absently notices in his periphery a familiar black sports car coming to halt where Pete was standing before and the crowd dispersing quickly after that.

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