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Lucy POV

I sat waiting in the room for Zayn to wake up. They said he was fine but might be a little dazed when he wakes up.I kept on sending death glares at Alex but she was looking away as if to not look at me.Niall was talking to her as she nodded and gave a glance at me.I scowled and she turned around.Kyle was left at home with El and Dani.

''Lucy?''I heard someone say.I whipped my head around and saw Zayn holding his head.I got up and ran up to him.

''Oh My God Zayn are you OK?!''I asked him.He shook his head and frowned.

''My head hurts and my jaw feels swollen.I feel sick and queasy!''He told me.I glared at Alex and she stared at me.

''Zayn do you remember what happened!''I asked.He thought for a second and nodded.

''We came home and I heard Kyle say......''He stopped and glared at Alex the exact same way I did.

''You little bitch!''Zayn got out his bed and lunged for Alex.

Zayn POV

I lunged for Alex and she screamed.

''Get off me!''She squirmed.My face softened.

''How could you Alex?''I asked while Lucy came up to me.

''I'm sorry alright!''She whispered,Looking away from Lucy.By the looks of it she hasn't told her.

''She hasn't told you has she?''I asked Lucy.She gave me a confused look.

''Told me what?''She questioned while sitting down next to Niall.I smirked.

''That Alex taught Kyle how to say Fuck you and Shit!''I answered.Lucy stood up red faced.

''How could yo-''She started but Alex stopped her.

''It was Louis too!''She said quickly covering herself behind Niall.

''W-what?''Lucy looked hurt and sad.She got up and ran out with her head in her hands.

Kidnapped by one direction{In Editing}Where stories live. Discover now