Stranded In Hell

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 Hinata stares at the hand offered to her. She looks up to see the boy looking away with a blush on his cheeks. Wary, she accepts his hand and he pulls her up to her feet. Hinata whispers, "Thank you,"

He hums, "Yeah. Sure," He then looks at her, "What are you doing going to Konoha?"

She looks at him, "Pardon?"

He shrugs, "I're human, aren't you?"

Hinata stares at him before laughing nervously, "Yes? Aren't we all?"

He tilts his head to the side, his hand went to his mouth and Hinata notice the moment his eyes turns. A blink and what was once normal blue eyes changes into nebulous ice blue with slits for pupils and his white sclera dotted rapidly with black ink until it is completely covered. Hinata didn't have time to scream when he has her in his arms, his nose against her neck.

She stares as a long, whip thin tail slithers, the sight reflected by her eyes. Everything suddenly feels surreal. The sky looks too blue. The forest leaves seems too green. Her chest throbs as her whole ribcage pulses with her picking heart beats. The scent of musk filtered through her nasal cavity and cling to her brain cells. Something slithered like snake against her jaw, on her pulse just under her ear, wet like slug but too warm to be one. Her joints had locked.

She can't move.

She can't move.

She needs to move.

Her lungs too full.

The warmth recedes and his face reappears in her eyes, the thick feral lines on his cheeks made him look like a beast. Warm hands cradles her face, moving her head. Hinata couldn't make sense of anything. Black horns, unreal like obsidian, like crystalline night sky, had grown on the sides of his head. His ears long and soot covered, dotting the hairline. His mouth, blood red like blossoming rose, is smiling like a sickle as he tilts his head to the side before slotting his face against hers.

A sudden warm brush and the first thought form in her mind through the haze; her first kiss.

The warmth grew warmer, the pressure increases with every nanosecond that passed. Her defense too flimsy. Her cavern is easily invaded by foreign tongue. The first touch is lightning sharp. Her whole body seizes. His arms like iron bands around her. The world starts to dim. All she could taste is him, all she could feel is him, all she could smell is him...


Hinata gasps as she looks around wildly. She gulps down throat drier that the desert Kaze as found the blue eyes of the boy that had asks her what she was doing there because she's human. She shakes her head, dizziness making her vision swims like dolphins that just played volleyball with a puffer fish. She shakes her head, "S-sorry...I don't know what had gotten to me. I-I mean...w-what do you m-mean...?"

He stares at her before sighing, "How did you even get into Konoha? know nothing, do you?"

Hinata feels her cheeks warming as her blood rushes from the implication, "W-what do you mean by that?"

He shakes his head, "Just...stick close to me," He mumbles in a low voice that she suppose she isn't meant to hear but Hinata can hear it either way, "She doesn't know what she's getting into,"

They didn't address each other after that. He guides her straight to the front gate and looks at her, "Just follow the signs and listen to the instruction. Try to keep quiet about you being human as much as possible. I figure out what the fuck is going on. You shouldn't be here at all,"

He left before Hinata could ask him for any sort of clarification. Feeling properly disturbed, Hinata decides that she should at least do as he ordered because she couldn't see herself losing anything following guide. Besides, it isn't like she go around declaring her humanity. That would sound suspicious and she will just be put in a straight jacket before being shipped off to a padded room somewhere.

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