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Hinata can't sleep. Phantom hands keep touching her body and it isn't Naruto's. She can't remember but she knows that whatever it is, she wasn't raped. She can still remember the way Naruto break her hymen so for that she know that the worse didn't happen...physically. Her head hurts thinking about it and she feel sick.

She needs Naruto.

Gathering her pillow and wrapping her blanket around her, Hinata quietly steps into the silent hallway of her house. Hoping to the Sage that no one is awake, especially her father, she made her way to Naruto's room. Shadows dance in the corner of her eyes and her mind conjured a dark room. Bile climbing up her throat, she hasten her pace.

She wants Naruto.

Finding his door, she hesitates. The pain in her body feels real to her, even though it's just in her mind. Shivering in the darkness, she feels dirty. Will Naruto ever touch her again?


The door opens on silent hinges and she looks up at him with tears in her eyes.

Her lips trembles, "N-Naruto..."

He opens the door wider, "What's wrong?"

She sobs, "I'm d-d-dirty..."

She couldn't say more. It is too much. She feels his hand pulling her into his room and hears the door clicking closer behind her. The room is dim as he guides her to the chair near the balcony. The guest room of her family's home are designed like a hotel so he has everything in it. He sits across her and studies her quietly. She couldn't find her voice. She couldn't speak.

She's terrified.

Afraid of her own mind. Afraid of what is hiding inside it. Afraid of what it is hiding from her. Her thoughts racing and racing, trying to find out what is it. What is it that she's trying to remember but not?


She flinches.

Naruto steps forward and kneel before her, "Hinata..."

She couldn't look at him. Afraid. Afraid of what could have happened.

He sighs and releases his disguise, making her look up. He waves his hand and once that is done, he looks at her, "There. No one can come in, spy, or listen on us. You can tell me anything and I...I promise you, I will not harm you," He sighs, "Obviously something had happened at the Aquarium that spook you. You have been avoiding Neji," She couldn't stop the way she curls in at his name, "And you are acting as if I will be disgusted with you. Hinata...no matter what had happened, I will not. I will never find you disgusting,"

She couldn't answer him.

She's trapped in her own body.



She blinks as the night sky seems to dance in front of her eyes. She realizes that it is Naruto's Incubus magic pooled in the palm of his hand. She looks at him and he asks, "If you can't say it, then will you let me see?"

She trembles, her lips shaking, her fingers and toes curling from the cold, she can hear her heart thumping erratically in her ears, and her vision tunnels...


She gasps for air as Naruto cradles her in his lap.

When did he moved?

Soft furs brushes against her hands and she accepts the offered appendage to cuddle with. Then...the dam breaks and she began to cry. Her tears feels like lava burning down her glacial cheeks. She whimpers, her locked voice slowly break free from their prison and she began to keen quietly into his tail. She feels his other tail curl around her and he hugs her. Hinata's voice climbs and she began to earnestly weeps into him.

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