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The Aquarium is a massive building with all sorts of watery attractions. Naruto insists on paying for everything, even despite her taking out her wallet. He just grabs it out of her hand and hold it high over his head, arm straight up with her wallet to the ceiling. So while she was busy hopping up and down against him to take it back, he finishes the transaction for her. He hands her back her wallet with smirk, "Now you can splurge on other stuff, 'ttebayo!"

She pouts, "I'm the one who take you here,"

He pokes her lips, causing her to pull them into her mouth, "Yeah. But let me pamper you,"

As they walk around, Tenten whispers to her, "He's really into you, huh?"

Hinata blushes, "Likewise,"

The girl smiles, "Here's hoping it last forever,"

Hinata beams, "It will,"

She is confident in that. After the things they had learned of each other, their past, the things that had happened to them, their shared traumas, Hinata cannot imagine Naruto suddenly leaving her for someone else. Then there is also the Soulmate matter. She won't be talking about it with Tenten or anyone in her family anytime soon. It is not something that can be understood with their limited knowledge.

Tenten blinks at her, "You're confident,"

Hinata looks at her, "It's not me. It's him," She gestures at Naruto who completely ignores the giggling gaggle of girls nearby. It would have irritate Hinata more but Naruto completely ignores their very existence as he looks at the map of the Aquarium.

He then turns to her, "So? Do you want to killer whales or dolphins first?"

Hinata looks at the map, "Hmm...the dolphin is closer and their program is just around the corner," She looks at Neji and his friends, "What do you guys think?"

Lee nods, "Sounds great! Let's get some snack!"

Tenten looks at him, "You just ate!"

Lee pats his stomach, "Entertainment takes a lot of energy! Fuel is important!"

Tenten shakes her head as she follow him, "What are you? A car?"

Neji looks at Hinata, "Anything?"

Hinata shakes her head, "I should digest what I ate first,"

Naruto wraps his hand around her waist, escorting her. Hinata shyly mirror him, wrapping her hand around his back. He give her a little squeeze to show his appreciation. They walk to the dolphin area and quickly find a good seat. Naruto hums as he leans back, his abdominal muscles rippling under his for fitting shirt. Hinata can see eyes looking at his direction, tracing his form. A part of her wants to sit on his lap to hide his form from ogling eyes but that will just attract a different sort of attention.

Even though she knows, from their bond with each other, that Naruto will never cheat on her, she cannot help the stings of envy inside her. She wonders if this is how Naruto feels whenever people looked her way. Suddenly his obsessive need to show off their togetherness made sense. So she decided to lean into him, causing him to smile and wraps his arm around her.

Tenten whispers, "They are so lovey-dovey. It's a little embarrassing to watch,"

Lee chews on his snack, "Then don't. I think it's great that they are so close,"

Neji hums, saying nothing of his own mind. But his hands clasps together tighter before him, the set of his jaw hard, while his eyes chills to frigid.

Hinata didn't notice any of that. Instead, she is more focused on Taro the Dolphin. The water mammal happily dance for them and jumps through hoops, showing his capability. Maybe it's just her, but the dolphin handler seems to be looking her way a lot. Hinata decides to brush it off as him just watching for the crowd's reaction. She gasps when a ball flies in her direction...

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