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Hinata fidgets as Naruto stares at her in disbelief. It had never been brought up before because usually, no one cares outside her family. She had jumped a year just so she could stick close to Neji. It is easier for him to take care of her if she's in his class rather than a year below and it had never been brought up again after the first year. So the story goes that she's in Neji's year while Naruto is supposed to be her senior. Thus a 2 years age gap that he wasn't even aware of.

Naruto nods, "I am bundling you up and keeping you in a box and then lock you up in the Royal Vault. You're a baby human and you shouldn't even be here,"

Nara Shikamaru, the friend that let slips about her status as a human, looks at him, "Don't you think that is too extreme, Naruto?"

Naruto clasps his hand before his face in the typical brooding fashion, "Extreme situation calls for an extreme measure,"

Aburame Shino pushes his shades up his nose bridge, "I do not think locking her up in a vault with time stasis is a wise thing to do. The reason why is because she will remain a baby human if you do that,"

Hinata frowns. She's not so small as to be called a baby.

Being 15 years old in high school isn't extreme. Besides, she's just ahead of her peers. It isn't her fault she graduates middle school at age 14. She had even waited until she's 15 before filling in forms to join the high school year. She's in the correct age to join them. It's just that she won't turn 16 while in her first year of high school. She's just going to be a late bloomer. Not to mention, she was born at the end of the year anyway. She will always be a little behind age wise even if she's in middle school.

Ino smacks Naruto's head, "She's not a baby! She's just...young, okay?"

Naruto slumps forward, groaning something. Hinata wonders why he is so against her being there because she's 15? Is he like one of those guys that thinks younger kids, even just a year or two younger, as lame and baby? Maybe he think that she's stupid? Because she's 15?

Sasuke looks at Naruto, "You are so screwed,"

Naruto mumbles, " I a pedophile...?"

What does he mean by that?

Sure, she's a minor and he being 17 means that he's part of the majority that can vote or something. But she's not so much a child and he's not that much of an adult. Ino is...right...being a teenager, a year or two difference is such a big gap but...why does it matter to him?

Why does what he thinks matter so much to her?

Shikamaru sighs, "Alright. Calm down. It is obvious that she's smart enough to be here. No need to get into a tizzy. That being said, should she try to get into the higher year?"

Should she?

Maybe time away from Naruto will set her head straight because obviously, she's not welcomed by him anymore because she's 15.

Naruto's head snaps up so sharply that it's a miracle it's not flying off his neck and into the stratosphere, "What?! Why would she skip a year?! Why should she graduate in just a year?!"

Why shouldn't she?

Shino shrugs, "The reason why is because the faster she graduate, the faster she'll leave here. This is not a safe place for humans. Let alone one as young as her,"

She don't really like this Aburame guy right now. What is wrong with being young? They all acted like she's a kindergartner out to commit arson the moment they take their eyes off of her. If they won't stop talking over her, she might just do that.

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