Double Sided Naruto

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Ever since she had that talk with Naruto, he seems quieter. Hinata wonders why. Had she made a mistake? Fortunately, Sakura is free to talk with since the sport festival is coming nearer and the boys are busy setting up things. During a lull in their busy schedule, she sits with the girl while making pom-pom to inform her about her request to Naruto.

Sakura turns pale, "Are you suicidal?!"

Hinata pulls away from the Nymph, "What do you mean?"

Sakura sighs, "Hinata, one does not simply ask a demon to show their darker nature. That is like taking off the safety lock off of The Colt!"

Orihime tilts her head as she thought over what she knew of the equivalent old housewives' tale in Makai, "Do old guns like The Colt even have safety features? It's a revolver, right?"

Sakura sighs, "That is not the point. The point is!" She points at Hinata, "You are playing with hellfire! Yeah, I am skipping mortal fire! Hellfire, Hinata! That is what you are asking from him!" She sighs, "Look, I am going to get into so much trouble with Naruto with this should know,"

Hinata stops her weaving for the pom-pom, "...know?"

Sakura nods, "Hinata, you know that he was taken by the exorcist and tortured, right?"

She looks as her head, remembering learning the truth of her grandfather's demise, "...yes,"

Sakura sighs, "How do I do this?" After a moment, she begins, "Hinata, Naruto is actually insane,"


Orihime accidentally rips her paper, "Eh?!!"

Hinata frowns, "What do you mean by that?"

Sakura raises her hands in a defensive manner, "Calm down. I am not talking smack about him but for demons, Naruto is insane. And by that, I mean his mind is actually fractured. I can confidently say this; the Naruto from the War Zone is not the same Naruto in Konoha. They are like two totally opposite people," She sighs, "I know being open with your partner is one of the best recipes to keep a bond going strong but maybe in this case, it will only do the opposite,"

She levels a stern look on Hinata, "Hinata, there is a reason why demons are known as the embodiment of evil. I know it may not look like it now but only because they learn when and where to revel in their darkness. Naruto, however..."

She sighs, "Naruto...has no in between. Either he's the smitten fool that you know or he's the psychopathic murder machine that I have seen on the bloody field of the War Zone. Here is an example," She starts, "If the Naruto you know like plants and gardening, the other Naruto considers the perfect garden to be a forest of impaled corpses. One loves nurturing life while the other decorates with the dead,"

Sakura grabs her hand, "I would even go as far as saying that he has a split personality. Now, most demons are able to balance their daily lives with their inborn darkness. That is why you can see demons having a completely normal and happy family. Sure, it's like a family of criminals to humans but they are family nonetheless. They are capable of creating bonds out of affection for each other. This is further tempered by their obsessive need to own each other. Owning is a demon's way of loving. What Naruto do with you, wooing you and respecting your wishes? That is not how demon love,"

Hinata looks at her hands, scratching at the cuticle before asking, " do a demon love?"

Sakura stretches her spine, returning to her part of the pom-pom making 'factory' and explaining, "It depends on the type and species. But to be crude, Incubi are generally known as the 'rapist' type," She looks at Hinata's pale face, "I mean, even humans has lore on how random women wakes up pregnant only to find that they have no baby inside them. The incident will slowly isolate them as promiscuous women and when they disappear from society, most would assume that they either left or taken in by traffickers to be sold to brothels. Most won't care about them because their reputation will be so repugnant that no one would think to investigate their disappearance. But in reality, they learned to accept the Incubus who had ruined their lives and destroyed their bond with their community and taken to Makai to be 'reborn' as their bride,"

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