Her Naruto

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Hinata bobs her head as she listens to 'Villain' by K/DA being played by the school's Radio Club. Makai has some really cool music groups. Although Sai try to introduce her to Pillar Men but Hinata just can't get around it. She does enjoy their hit track 'Awaken' but she is a little put off by their...muscles. Sai tries to sell it to her by praising the beauty of their muscles but she just can't buy it.

She sighs as she sits with Naruto, once more in the cafeteria and not somewhere 'feeding' him, "I think he need friends..." She winces, "...and I'm not any better,"

Naruto hums, "How is he with Ino?"

Hinata takes small bites of protein. Another thing that happened recently is her increase in appetite. She had been worried but Sakura said that it's normal as she uses a lot of energy for Naruto. After swallowing, she answers, "She came to me and Sakura, crying. I think they broke up,"

Naruto frowns, "Sai is trying to distract himself by doing weird stuff. Just the other day, he kept bringing weird painting to life. I asked him about the cursed art and he said that it's a cat. Apparently it wasn't his original work but from the school doctor, Hakutaku's. Hakutaku is a great doctor but his drawing is just cursed, dattebayo," He pulls out his phone, "Here, see?"

He shows her a video and Hinata could feel her brain blanking as she stares at the weird live drawing of a cat that meows with a deep, manly voice. She heard Naruto asking 'what the fuck with his voice' when the cat says 'woof' instead with just as disturbing tone of voice. Ants crawls all over her face as she tries not to scream. That is indeed a very 'cursed' living art.

She'll be having nightmares tonight, she is sure of it.

Naruto kisses the side of her hair, "It's kinda cute in a creepy way,"

She can see him scratching the 'cat's' chin in the video, eliciting more 'woof' and 'meow' from it.

"I wonder if I should have taken that back home?"

Please don't. She is still anxious about his pet leviathan that he apparently feeds special demon plankton. She had seen the picture of it once in Science Class, to see the differences between ordinary plankton from her side of the world and the demonic ones from Makai. They all looked like piranhas on special grade steroids. They also apparently cannibalize each other and is the size of a small car.

She is never swimming in the ocean.

Classes is as usual but Hinata notice one girl sitting on her own. If she recalls, her name is Inoue Orihime. She is friends with a few of the other students in class. She wonders why she's alone.

Looking at Naruto who is busy reviewing his homework, balancing his pencil over his lips, she decides that perhaps she should try to make friends with girls in her own class. Being friends with Naruto's circle is fun but Hinata feels that she should try and create her own circle of friends. Moving away from the Incubus that always hover over her, she approaches the quiet the red head and asks, "Can I sit next to you?"

Orihime looks up with wide dark grey eyes like morning skies, "O-oh? Sure! I mean..." She looks around Hinata, "Will your guy be okay?"

Hinata takes the seat and asks, "Why wouldn't he?"

Orihime shrugs, "I mean...he glares at everyone that looks your way. I...actually want to be friends with you but...Uzumaki scares me," She reveals her pretty wings that looks like they are made of lights, "I'm from the Seelie Clan of Fairies. Incubi are...too dark and...well, let's just say most in my family would be very unhappy if I get anywhere close to him,"

Hinata tilts her head, "Why would they? I mean...aren't Konoha a place that look down on discrimination between race and species?"

Orihime sighs, "I know...but they are just..." She shrugs, showing that she has no polite words to describe them. She hides her wings once more. Hinata thinks that they are very pretty to look at but she didn't say a word. Naruto really has a way to hammer something into someone's skull by being very explicit.

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