Sasuke the Tengu

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Hinata stares at Naruto's back. She thought he wear a tight turtleneck under his choran. Turns out it is actually a backless halterneck. It is very tight on him and the reason he wears it is because he apparently have wings. Wings that he is now asking her help to preen since he can't reach behind him.

She stares at his wings. They are big. Also, she's tripping. His wings are strange but beautiful. But she won't say that they are pretty out loud. She still remembers the embarrassingly explicit explanation that Naruto gave her that first day in Konoha when she said his horns are pretty. So she asks instead, "Uhm...I don't know anything about birds..."

He looks at her over his shoulder, shoulders that she cannot help but notice to be massive. Of course they are massive. He has wings! He back muscle ripples and that makes his wings shudder, his feathers fluffing up and he points, "Just pluck whichever looks out of place,"

She looks at his wings once more, trying not to be distracted with the fact that they look like windows to the night sky. But the longer she stares, the easier it is to find the out of place feathers. She grasps one, pinching them between her finger and thumb. Then with a deep breathe, she plucks them. She hunches her shoulders at the same time, bracing for...something. A hiss, maybe even a shout of pain? But none of them come from Naruto. Instead, he just rolls his shoulder.

Feeling bolder, she starts looking for more feathers to pluck.

Before long, she finishes with one final pluck. She then steps back to look for more. But seeing it from this distance made it even more awe inspiring. He has really massive pair of wings. They reminds her of owl wings. From what she had seen from those videos back when she was just as obsessed with Hogwarts as the rest of the world, owls are silent fliers.


Hinata blinks, "Oh. Uhm...I think I have plucked them all,"

"I'm not bald back there, am I?"

She flusters, "W-what?! N-no! I didn't pluck you bald anywhere!" She realizes that he was joking when he starts laughing at her. He turns around and Hinata blushes as he grins at her embarrassment. She sighs and pouts away from him, distracting herself with the large feather in her hand. It isn't fair that he's cute. It isn't fair that his Incubus nature is affecting her logic like this. It really isn't fair!

Naruto hides away his wings, however he does it, and put his choran back on, "Sorry, sorry. You really shouldn't make it easy for me. Try cursing back at me,"

She refuses to look at him, "I'm not letting you corrupt me,"

Naruto scoffs, "Oh. Right. I'm a demon. It's my 'job' to corrupt innocent little girls like you," He then leans over her shoulder to look at her, "Hey. You want to be more assertive, right? Sometimes, the best way to make someone back off is to curse at them, dattebayo,"


Naruto looks to side just as a Tengu lands on the railing of the roof he and Hinata are hanging out on. Hinata couldn't recognize the boy. He had his gakuran off and he wears something similar to Naruto, a black form fitting halter top with no sleeves or back. But he also wears fingerless sleeve gloves up to his biceps, leaving his shoulders bare. Massive crow wings flares behind him, his black crow feet grabbing the railing for stability as his black eyes looks at her before looking back at Naruto, "You have been using your Shadow Clones too much these days. What gives?"

Now that Hinata thinks about it, Naruto has cloven hooves for feet. She just didn't look at them much. Maybe because there was this artist on the internet that sell hoofed boots? His feet looks normal to her. They don't glow with every steps, for one. In fact, she thinks they are nice.

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