Home Is Where The Heart Is

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The last person Hinata expect to see when she return to her dorm is someone that would not look out of place in a portrait of Heaven and Hell. Sakura had gasped and quickly knelt down. Not knowing what is going on, Hinata followed suit. Her mind wondering about this stranger in her room, sitting in her chair, looking through her things like he owns them.

Sakura's greeting sheds some light on the person's identity, "King Minato,"

Minato's voice is warm as he returns her greeting, "At ease. I'm not here for posturing..." Once they are standing, he looks at Hinata, "I am here for my son,"

Sakura pales, "Is he...is he alright?"

Hinata glance at her in confusion. She don't know what it is that they had agreed on with each other, but none of them talk about Naruto around her. She only catch hints here and there when she pretends to listen to her phone with her earphone on but with the sound mute. She knew that he had been sick but...

Minato sighs, "I believed he told all of you to keep quiet about him around her?"

Sakura gulps, looking at Hinata apologetically before nodding, "Yes. He didn't want...he didn't want to influence Hinata in anyway. Sasuke tried to reason with him but Naruto...he thinks that he had done her enough harm so..."

Minato nods, "I know. He warned me...but I am his father and I decide what is best for him. Even if it means influencing her with the truth," He looks at Hinata, "Better to say sorry than regret doing nothing,"

Hinata pales, "What is going on?"

Sakura shakes her head, "Sorry, Hinata. But Naruto make us promise not to say about him to you," She looks at Hinata uncomfortably, "He said that he's...respecting your wish,"

Hinata stares at her before frowning and looking at the Incubus in her room. She grips her skirt and asks, "Please...tell me. How bad is it?"

Sakura looks at her, "Hinata?"

She shakes her head, feet fidgeting against the floor as she confesses, "I know that you aren't saying anything about Naruto and...that doesn't really feel normal. In this situation, friends usually will try help the arguing party reconcile if it can be reconciled. But you didn't say anything about him. In fact, I noticed that you and the others are outright avoiding talk about Naruto," She turns her head to Sakura, "That is not normal. I caught on that you had an agreement with each other and that you are hiding something from me. But I...I think I had done enough damage and I don't want to make you chose between me and him so..."

Sakura sighs, "So you didn't ask us anything about Naruto. Hinata!" She looks at the girl in exasperation, "Sometimes you are too considerate,"

Minato adds, "Would that consideration extend to my son?"

Hinata looks at him, "What is wrong with him?"

Minato sighs, shaking his head with an annoyed pinch on his brows, his lips twisting into a frown even as the arms wrapped over his chest tightens, "He didn't want you to know and he warned me against influencing you. But he and I know that I could never just let him go like that. I admit that I made a mistake scolding him the way I did when I learned what he had done that winter. But back then, we thought we could still find you. So I told him what having his magic residue cling to you would mean for you. It was supposed to be a harsh lesson for him. But when we couldn't find you, he went half mad with guilt,"

His eyes pinches close in remembered pain, "When he up and disappeared for weeks looking for you, I didn't expect to find him captured by an exorcist. I don't know exactly what the man did to him only that his guilt only grow stronger to the point that he's almost insane from it. He had also became unable to feed on ordinary lust. I did what I could to keep him alive but I fear that it had completely stolen his childhood from him. I let him gorge on bloodlust and he became almost blood crazed from it. Jiraiya tried to fix him but it didn't work. His guilt refuses to let him feed from other girls. Naturally, as someone with a Soulmate, he is strongest if he feed from you but that usually won't stop him from feeding from others, just less fulfilling and practically pointless. In the end, to help him adjust away from the battlefield, I had Sasuke help him on that front," He looks at her, "It barely helps. Naruto is always starving,"

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