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Hinata jumps when Ino grabs her shoulders from behind, "W-whuh-?!"

The elf stares at her, "You have been moping around enough! I get it! I get that you feel bad for saying that you hate Naruto but seriously! He's been moping around enough too!" She points at the Shadow Clone sulking behind a pillar, having been sent by his original to stalk Hinata through the school while he stayed in his room, "It's been a week! Fix this idiot!!"

Hinata blushes, "W-well...I don't know where he is?" Her offered explanation sounds weak even to her ears. She winces as Ino growls and throws a ball of light magic towards the skulking shadow. He hisses as he dodge the light energy attack. But other than that, he refuses to budge.

When Naruto first showed her his clones made of pure darkness, she was a little put off by him. He looks scary, after all. Like those monsters from her childhood that lurks in the darkened corner of her room, waiting for her to lower her guard before jumping onto her. The glowing blue eyes, the only thing that stands out from his wholly inhuman silhouette of Naruto as Incubus, doesn't help. But as she kept seeing them around, she found them somewhat charming like a black cat that slinks around slyly in the neighborhood.

Now, after that messy meltdown of hers, he had stayed out of sight and only sending his clone to school to guard her. That only made her feel worse as he's clearly taking her safety and well being more seriously than his own feelings. He had even ghosted the group on the chat, completely dropping out from Makai.

Sakura sighs, "Let's just go to his tower after class ends. It isn't like we have clubs to attend,"

Ino tilts her head, "Why don't we have club things to do, anyway?"

Sai, who had been joining them since that day, answers, "Because the Art Club got canceled after Naruto revealed that our art teacher has been using students to turn into her statue. The Photography Club had also been canceled by Naruto for taking indecent photos of girls through blackmails as well as forcing them to do things of sexual nature so as not to spread the photos,"

Ino grimaces, "To think that my pictures are taken without my consent. I mean, I get that I'm hotter than the lowest level of Makai. My beauty is irresistible. But to try and use them to get sexual services from me? Humph!" She then smiles at Sai and stroking his chin as she croons, "Well...if it isn't because you are so brave as to flood the whole place with shadow magic to save me...Sage know what would have happened to me in that room full of classless crooks!" She pulls his face to hers and kisses him senseless.

Sakura gags, "Are you sure you're a wood elf and not a Succubus?"

Ino pulls away from a dazed Sai to poke her tongue at the nymph.

Hinata looks away from Ino's display of 'affection' to Sai as she starts to pet him down his front, looking at Naruto's Shadow Clone glaring at the two from his corner behind the pillar. He notice her looking and slips into the shadow clinging to the pillar, clearly avoiding her. She sighs and looks at her hands, patting down her skirt. She really wants to see Naruto. These days with him avoiding her completely feels...empty.

She has gotten used to him always being there.

Had she taken him for granted?

Sakura decided, "We are going to Naruto's tower after class ends, alright? Sai, make sure Ino didn't wring you dry for this evening! It's going to be a rough ride after all!"

Hinata looks at her, figuring that Ino and Sai are at least decent to be seen by her, and asks, "Where exactly does he stay? I mean, you made it sound like he's not staying at the boy's dorm,"

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