Side; Naruto VIII

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Naruto don't want to kill Neji.


He wants to drag the boy over broken glass and burning coals by the ankle with a wolf attached at the end. Then he wants to cut open his stomach and put starved rats inside so that he'll be eaten alive. Oh. There are so many things Naruto wanted to do to Neji for the trauma he inflicted on Hinata. The fact that her mind had repressed it so far back that she cannot remember it on her own showed just how badly it had affected her.

Hinata had gone through a lot of shit in her life.

She had lost her uncle because some pedophile tried kidnapping her only to end up in an altercation with her uncle who lost his life despite managing to save her.

She had been preyed on by a counselor of her school because she was bullied and instead of helping her, he planned on grooming her into his personal sex toy using her trust on him.

She had lost her mother because some delusional brat that were into minors thought that her mother was her when he ran her through with knife coated in rat poison.

She had been attacked by a stalker who claimed that they were soulmates who couldn't accept her rejection and tried to kill her only to end up dead after jumping out of the window from the 4th floor.

Those were some of the most fucked up things that she shared with him because they are the most traumatizing for her. But the fact remained that for each one of it, Neji had been a steadfast pillar in her life. He had taken up his father's role in keeping her safe. He had done a damn good job at it too.

It is why his rape attempt on her is all the more devastating!

Hinata can remember each and every hardship she had faced when she was cursed by his mistake. She had endured each one through a lot of therapy and compartmentalizing the experiences. She had been strong for them. But when it comes to the one person she had trusted with her safety and well being attempting the very same thing he had been protecting her from, her heart and mind breaks to the point that she is only able to keep going because she forgot.

Her own mind, in an attempt to save her, suppressed it deep into nothingness.

How can he not be angry?

How can he not feel murderous?

But he can't. Not yet.

Because Hinata don't remember the shit that Neji did. To her, he is still her beloved cousin. Though perhaps she no longer trusts him as she once did, with how she subsconscioulsy keeps a distance with him. And from the way Neji behaves, Naruto can tell that the boy is struggling with guilt and his own incestuous attraction to Hinata. But the most satisfying thing for Naruto is the fact that he's bitter with jealousy towards the Incubus but cannot act on it without triggering Hinata's trauma.

Maybe he'll go insane from it and kill himself.

But that would make Hinata sad.

Naruto is torn.

That night, when she came to his room practically begging him to forgive her, he had been worried. He knows that he is Hinata's first. She was a virgin when they first did it. Not to mention that he had already confirmed it before he even realized that she is his Soulmate. But there is another way to rape a person without leaving the scent of semen behind long after it happened.

The womb collects but the anus expel.

So he was expecting the worse when he dove into her mind while keeping her sedate and separated from what he was doing. Fortunately, the worse that Neji did was molestation and dry humping her. His own inexperience with sex had saved her from the worse. Not to mention his drunken state only make everything harder for him to do what his body wanted him to. What sobered him was her hitting her head on his dresser when he had grabbed her sleeping pajama during her attempt to escape. The sight of her unconscious and injured had knocked his senses back into him. Fortunately she only had a bump and nothing worse.

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