He's Not Asexual/Aromantic

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Life is a little easier after she's able to send messages and e-mail with her family. She can't exactly share a lot of things. Also, the reason Naruto buys the same phone he owns for her is exactly because she can make contact with the human world. It cost him a pretty penny but he thought that she could use some family on her side. Because of this, Hinata offered to help tutor him on the Tenjin language as well as some Science, as those are his worse subjects.

She was a little surprised that Naruto's good with number but terrible with science. Apparently, magic uses a lot of formulas and numbering. Then Sakura let slip that his father Minato is a math wiz and Naruto has been trained from an early age all the tips and tricks that 'common peons' like her and Ino will never learn. Apparently, the reason he's bad with Science is because Science makes no sense.

At first she didn't get it but when she flips her point of view, she supposed the rigidity of science does make little sense for people who could twist the law of physics on its head.

Naruto slams his head on the table, "My brain is melting. I swear it's melting, dattebayo,"

Hinata looks at the text. Photosynthesis is rather forward to her.

Sakura sighs and leans back on her chair, "Look. You learned this last year. How can you still not get it?"

Naruto moans, "Why can't it just, I don't know, do like you and eat meat or other trees? How can it survives only on sunlight? I'll be half dead if it was me!"

Sasuke closes his homework, "Well, be glad you're not a tree then,"

Sakura rolls her eyes, "There's a reason trees don't move,"

Naruto argues, "Yeah. Cause they don't eat enough,"

Hinata giggles at their argument. They went back and forth until the librarian, Kanda, throws them out for making too much noise. Naruto grumbles as they walks around the campus. They passes the Asmodeus Hall and Naruto's back straightens. Hinata notice this and recalled that Asmodeus Hall is where the 'love hotel' rooms are. Naruto clears his throat, "Fucking orgy,"

Sakura stumbles and stares at him, "What? They are having orgies in there?"

Naruto shrugs, "Meh. Must be the Sex Club. They do this every Friday after all,"

Sasuke grimaces, "Must be sucks to sense people fucking all the time,"

Naruto kicks at him but Sasuke shifts out of the way. The Tengu looks at Naruto and Hinata notice that Naruto's eyes had darkened and his claws had turned into talons. She shifts closer to Sakura.

Sakura grumbles, "Come on. Lets leave them to make out with each other and grab some early dinner,"

Hinata nods and follows her. She turns around to see Naruto's feathers floating to the ground along with Sasuke's, both boys gone to the nearest clearing to duke it out. She turns back to listen to Sakura sharing about the things Ino and her had argued about. This has become her life. There is no improvement on the front of getting her out and she had gotten used to life surrounded by the equivalent of monsters to the rest of humanity. The trio had arranged for Sakura to attend to Hinata whenever Naruto has the urge to kick Sasuke's ass and commit first degree homicide.

Her words, not Hinata's.

Before she notice it, almost a full month had passed her by.

Other than the encounters with other species when they had their human illusions dropped due to things like being sleepy, tired, or too mentally distracted, Hinata find that life in Konoha is surprisingly normal for a boarding school. Of course, she has to keep her humanity a secret. The other thing that make Konoha different from human boarding school is their loose standing with sex. Well, considering that some species relies on sex to stay healthy, Hinata can understand why the most they would do is make sure no one get knocked up during the process. It was shocking for her at first but she found herself adapting surprisingly easy. Well, considering the fact that she hangs around an Incubus that won't have sex for some reason, Hinata believed that it was to be expected.

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