A New Addiction

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Hinata sits down next to Orihime during lunch. Naruto decided to sit with Sakura and Sasuke nearby, keeping an eye on her always. Hinata has been making small talks with Orihime lately during breaks between class. She learns that Orihime is the only Seelie Fairy in Konoha because Konoha is the only school in Makai that have scholarship program.

She tilts her head, "Why would you need a scholarship?"

Orihime giggles, "Uhuh...you see...I'm an orphan," She scratches her cheek in a self conscious manner, "My brother was my sole provider until the last year of my middle school back on Tir Na Nog. He was a courier and...well...a wild dragon swallowed him while working," She chuckles, "What a stupid way to go, right? I mean he was -,"

Hinata holds her in her arms, "You must be missing him,"

Orihime shakes her head, "I mean, he's an idiot who-!"

Hinata tightens her hold, "But you couldn't even receive what was left of him! That's not funny at all so stop laughing! That is just...painful..."

Orihime didn't say a word.

Hinata frowns, wondering if she had said something she shouldn't or had overstepped on some fairy rules that she has no clue about. She starts to pull away when Orihime hugs her tight. Hinata blinks at the sudden change, "Orihime?"

Orihime shakes her head, her voice watery, "Sorry. You're right. It's not funny. I can't stand hearing about it back home that I decided to come to Makai where there's hardly any fairies," She pulls away and her face is wet with tears, "Sorry for bothering you,"

Hinata shakes her head, "No. You need a good cry, I think. I...I lost my mother too and...I would think that it is the most horrible thing to not be able to even say goodbye to her still form,"

Orihime stares at her before her face crumples and she burst out crying. Hinata let the girl cry on her shoulder until she calms down for the rest of lunch break. She looks behind to see Naruto already sitting straight in his chair, ready to step in. She catches his eyes and gives him a sad smile, shaking her head. She decided to invite Orihime to sit with her in class and Naruto behaves through the whole session. Even though Orihime is a little awkward with him, once she realizes that Hinata is the only girl for him, the fairy relaxes.

That evening, as they calm down from another feeding frenzy, Naruto gathers Hinata to his chest and rubs his face against her bare neck, kissing and licking her there before settling down, and asks her, "You had tears in your eyes during lunch. What is it?"

Hinata wraps her arms over his, feeling the muscles there that remind her of steel bands. She likes the feeling of his heart beating against her back, her own echoing his in tandem. She hums sleepily, "Orihime is a scholarship student. She chose Konoha because of that and...well, people at her home is a little too cruel with her loss so she just...want to get away from it all," She arcs her back against his chest, trying to feel more of him, "To make fun of her loss just because the way he goes is...silly in their eyes is just...it's painful to see her forcing herself to laugh over what is clearly something that must had given her despair when she heard it. I know I...was like her. Okaa-sama's passing is a shock for me but I still have Otou-sama, Neji, and Hanabi with me to hold my hand during her funeral. Orihime...she must be alone with no grave to visit,"

She could feel Naruto moving her so that he could hug her properly, making her face him. Hinata sleepily reciprocates his kisses with her own on his chest, licking him slightly before settling down. Too tired for more. It dawned on her just how lucky she is with Naruto...

The next day, as she sits with Orihime, the fairy more open and cheerful after yesterday's understanding between the girls, Ino suddenly sits with them. Hinata blinks, "Ino? Ano...I haven't seen you around Konoha for the past...well...awhile," She did notice that Ino has been scarce lately but she didn't really think much about it. The elf suddenly cries and Hinata shares a flustered look with Orihime before asking, "Are you alright, Ino?"

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