Of Cambions And Ghouls

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Hinata notice that Orihime looks sadder than her usual. So when lunch break arrives, she pulls the girl aside to listen. She just didn't expect to hear about a school drama worthy of a Sunday drama...

"...Ichigo had been there for me when since his visits to Tir Na Nog with his father and found me unconscious on the cliff where my brother always takes off for work. We had been long distance friends since and I fell in love with him in that duration. He gives me so much strength to face my day to day life back home. But it gets harder as I grow closer to a marriageable age and being an orphan, I don't exactly have anyone to protect me when suitors come knocking. So when I told him about wanting to learn far from Tir Na Nog, he told me about Konoha," She smiles at Hinata, "I guess part of my reason for coming here is because of him. I must have looked like such a tool, right?"

Hinata shakes her head, "You are just in love and...he must have felt like your whole world after your loss. I mean...you were alone and then...he's there," She thinks of the day she met Naruto and how he's always there so she won't accidentally get herself killed, "I think...if Naruto never look at me like now, I..."

She'll be in pain.

She'll be lost.

Orihime looks at Hinata, "You really love him, huh?"

Hinata blushes before shaking her head, "This is about you, we are talking about," She looks at Orihime, "You just look sadder than before. I mean. I know you are sad but I don't want to push...sorry if I'm being nosy..."

Orihime laughs, "No. It's alright! Besides," She looks over to where three students can be seen arguing, "I...want to be happy for him. I can tell that...they had known each other for longer and...I must be annoying for the others. I mean, I'm just suddenly there and...it must have felt awkward to cater to me all the time,"

Hinata stares at the three, "What is with them anyway?"

Orihime toes the ground and explains, "Well...Rukia and Renji are childhood friends. Ichigo met Rukia when he had gotten into trouble with a Hollow and Rukia's clan is in charge of keeping the number of Hollows on the minimum. In fact, Ichigo's family is in the same business. So he and Rukia ends up training together. Renji was busy as her elder brother's retainer and trainee assistant, so he didn't meet Ichigo until much later. They ended in Konoha together and...well...the week before you and I starts talking, Ichigo told me that he's confessing to Rukia. But later he told me that Renji had also confessed to Rukia and..." She lowers her head, "...I'm just in the way, I guess..."

Hinata frowns, "Did they kick you out?"

Orihime shakes her head, drawing in a deep breath, and smiles at her, "No. I just...I can't stand being around them and seeing Ichigo chase after Rukia is...is painful. I...wished him luck and then told him that I...need to make more friends because I don't want to bother him when he should be focusing on winning Rukia's heart. It hurts more because...because they are all so nice and..." She sobs, "I'm a terrible friend! I should be happy for him but instead I'm miserable!"

Well...it seems like there is a triangle love going on and a fourth person being stuck watching their unrequited love chasing someone else. Hinata wouldn't know what to do in her shoes either. She wants to support her beloved but at the same time it hurts knowing that they will never see them that way.

She asks, "Have you told him how you feel?"

Orihime looks at her fingers, "...every time I tried, something will always interrupt me...I feel like the whole world is against my feelings for him," She mumbles, "Am I cursed?"

"If you are, then they must be very good as I cannot see any such thing on you,"

Orihime and Hinata screams together before looking back to see Ulquiorra watching them through the open window behind their bench, eating a sandwich.

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