Will You Love Me If I'm A Puddle?

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The weather has grown warmer as days in Konoha passes by. Girls around Konoha began taking off their socks, leaving bare legs for others to ogle at. They had also starts taking off or loosening their ribbons, popping off a few buttons to cool down. Baring deep cleavages for boys and girls to get lost in.

Hinata tries to keep the socks and the ribbons on but when Naruto notice her suffering from the heat, he steals all her ribbons and thigh high socks. Unable to find them, Hinata accepts that Naruto would not see her suffer heatstroke just because she's too shy to show more skin. In truth, Hinata is still haunted by unwanted looks sent her way but as she notice that no one dare to look her way, she calms down and let Naruto's hand grab a handful of her ass as he focus on his class.

Sakura blinks at her, "Wait. You mean you don't have your summer uniform?"

Hinata shakes her head, "I don't even know we have a summer uniform,"

Ino cheers, "Yay! Shopping!" She looks at Sai, "Gimme your wallet or no heads,"

Sai thought over it for a moment before nodding, "I can live without heads,"

Ino pouts, "You sure...?"

He stares at her for a moment before sighing, "You are too addicted to sex, Ino,"

Ino gasps, "Are you tired of me already?"

Sai shakes his head, "No. But I think you should stop holding sex over my head to get me to pay stuff,"

Sakura starts pulling Hinata away before they could witness more drama. She looks at the human girl, "Well, Sai is not wrong. Ino is just too used to getting things by offering sexual services," She sighs, "To be honest, I think Sai really likes her but since she keep treating him more like a boy toy than an actual boyfriend, he's second guessing what they are having,"

Hinata ponders over the matter, "Why is Ino so obsessed with sex anyway?"

Sakura pulls a face, "This happened a few years ago. I have known Ino for forever but she was never so openly sexual. She's not a prude but she was a proper elf. Then she had a boyfriend and...let's just say her attitude towards sex change so drastically after that. I mean, she used to be shy around guys. I don't know what he did and she never said a word about it. But I fear that...that he used her sexually but for what, I don't know,"

Hinata looks over her shoulder as Ino continues to argue with Sai before running off, cheeks flushed and wet with tears. Looking over to Sai, he has a blank face on but his eyes looked darker than his usual. She hopes that they will reconcile soon.

That evening in the forest just outside the school, Hinata sighs as she cradles Naruto's head while he indulges himself with her breast. She don't know why he's so obsessed with them and when she asked him, he had looked at her like she's asking him why the sky is blue and ocean is salty.

"It's boobs. Your boobs. What's not to like about them?"


Right now she biting her lips to stay quiet while he licks, mouths, and suckle her breast, kissing her chest and leaving hickeys all over. She looks like she's suffering from chicken pox with how often he leaves his kisses all over her body. It is only due to her request that he only leaves them under her clothes instead of all over her thighs. She gasps for air as his pulled at her sensitive nipple while his other finger is poking at her other still inverted nipple, making her whole body twitch from the spikes of pleasure ringing in her ears.

He pulls away with a pop and licks her jaw, "Yum,"

She huffs, "It's not that good,"

He pulls away, one hand still kneading a handful of her other breast, and looks at her, "Want to taste mine?"

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