When Reality Slaps

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Hinata sits out most of the sport's event, one of which includes a tournament style battle. Everyone signing up for it have to also sign up the mandatory death waiver. They will not sue or accuse the school for negligence should they perish during the battle. Every deaths or injuries are their sole responsibility. Of course, death is not encouraged but it is hard to prevent due to all their chaotic and bloodthirsty nature. Unfortunately, Naruto signs up. Apparently he had been affected by the whole hype and wanted to let loose.

Despite her worry, he just kissed her, "You wanted all of me. I can't promise to give you everything but I can start exposing you. This is the safest way, dattebayo!"

She feels like kicking her more optimistic and naive self from a few weeks ago.

Sakura and Orihime pulls her to sit with them for the tournament. Hinata can't help but feel slightly sick at the thought of watching people die live before her. It feels so barbaric to her modern human mind. She didn't want to watch but because Naruto is competing in the tournament, she has no choice but to watch. Sakura sighs as she can feel the human girl trembles beside her, "It'll be fine. I'll cast an illusion on you should things get ugly, okay?"

Hinata couldn't stop her whimpering from leaving her throat.

The first round looks tame enough. Naruto only uses his tail and he has started to taunt his opponent in a way that make her brain go *beep* and *beep, beep* and *beep, beep, beep* while the crowds either go wild or starts shuddering in a wave. He can be very expletive when he starts cursing. Oddly enough, he barely do any dirty talk in the bedroom with her. She wonders of the matter and Sakura hums, "Maybe because he is so used to using them to taunt his opponent that it will feel awkward to say all that with you?"

Orihime is trembling on the side, face burning redder than a cooked lobster, and hiding her expression with her hands while her white wings had come out from her lack of attention, "He is...too much. Oh my! My poor virgin ears!" She then gasps, "That can't possibly happen! I mean! Spoons are not supposed to be used for that! They are eating utensils!" She sobs, "Help~!"

Sakura sighs, "Yeah, well...nothing stays virgin around a lust demon for long,"

Hinata let out a large sigh of relief when the first round ends. So far, everyone has been knocked out of the stage rather than dead or maimed. But at the battle goes on, Naruto's foxy tail ends has started to glow a burning red that made her extremely uncomfortable. She asks Sakura, "Why is his tails glowing like that?"

Sakura hums, "His grandfather is the King of Hatred. Well, Wrath and Hatred. Lord Kurama is a Kyuubi that has red fur that emit flames that when it touches you, feels like acid. Baring a few things, like dew drops from the Shinju Tree, nothing can heal any injury caused by his flame. Naruto inherits that flame, as you can see, which means your fucked once his tail got you...if not his talons or his hooves,"

Hinata notice that Naruto's steps leaves glowing red hoof prints on the floor of the arena. The edges black and smoking as if acids had been poured on it. It also cracks ominously. She noticed that his wings had popped out and unlike their usual fluffed up state that suggest brooding, or incubating, they looked harder, like scales shaped like feathers, with similar glowing tips of each of the filaments until the black feathers are lined with glowing red lines.

The stars are gone.

Even his horns looked dangerous; less like gemstones and more like red hot steels.

She also notice that his hair has also taken a red tint. The whiskers on his face had also taken a more wilder look, giving him a feral appearance. His teeth a row of razor sharp fangs meant to shred through flesh and muscles like a beast.

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