Girl Meet Incubus

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Class starts early and Hinata barely wakes up for breakfast. Snacking of a protein bar just to avoid gastric, she carefully makes her way to the dorm's gate, following the traffic to figure out where she needs to go. She catches sight of a girl with flowers in her hair that looks like sakura blossoms. She even has pink hair. A blond girl pats down her hair, making her squeak and loosing all her flowers. The petals drift down prettily.

She isn't the only girl still waking up as more and more girls with unique features and appendages appear, some struggling to 'erase' their unique sides and appear more human. Hinata ignores them in favor of getting to class and to not attract their attention. That is something she excels at; being a wallflower.

She quickly finds her class, which is easy. Konoha looks expensive, with large and wide halls and tall windows. It structure is a lot like foreign castles with their wall to wall windows with gilded frames and roman marble pillars carved to look like Tori gates. It is made to last, as Hinata is sure that the rocks she sees built into walls are something she had seen in old structures that are now ruins all the way in Tenjin Continent. Something that is made from a mix of water, volcanic ash, and lime. She has no idea where they get the amount that they do as she don't see any volcano around.

The tables in the class are built like those she see in colleges. The floor is inclined, the desks stacked like steps with built in benches for chairs connected with the desk at behind them as the back. Since it isn't like her old classroom of class desk and chair, Hinata takes her cue from the students around her. Taking the back doesn't mean she will be hidden due to how the structure of the class will allow the teacher to see everyone attending. So Hinata decides on a corner, putting her back down on the space by her knee where there is a built in hook for her to hang her bag. Taking out her pencil case and notebook, she settles in for her class as the rest of her classmates trickle in slowly.

Everyone dress similarly and this affirms Hinata's suspicion about there being a pervert on the school board in charge of the uniforms. She wonders if her skirt is really that short from the back. The boys dresses in standard gakuran with form fitting pants. Some button up properly on the front, others don't and just leave it open to show off the shirts that they wear underneath. She frowns at that, thinking about the boy from the bus. What he wears is nothing like these boys.

His has to it. She remembers the inner lining full of embroidery threads of orange, red, and gold. None of these other boys wear the same thing he does. The most interesting thing about their uniforms are the shirts and hoodie that they wear underneath for extra personality. Also, unlike her old school, they wear their own shoes even in the building rather than the inside shoes that her old school insisted. She notice that some girls even wear stilettos!

The door opens and a normal looking man appears, "Back to your seat!"

No one listens.

Hinata's eyes widens when his head seemingly swells and he shouts louder, "BACK TO YOUR SEAT!!"

Her classmates immediately jumps to the nearest open seat. The man's head returns to normal and he shakes his head with an exasperated mumble, "Every single time..."

A student raises his hand, "Sir! Are you from the Tiki Clan?"

The man sighs, "...someone is, yes," He clears his throat, "My name is Umino Iruka. I am your homeroom teacher and please don't put any watery trap over the door. I come from an oceanic species so that would be a bummer for me,"

Someone behind Hinata points out with a deadpan, "Your name is dolphin and you come from the ocean? Creative,"

Iruka sighs louder, "Yes. Yes, I know. How creative of my parents. I have heard it all. Now quiet down and let me finish," He takes out a leaflet, "You know why you are here and you have read the rules, I hope. Or at least listen when your Dorm Parents explains stuff to you. I know that some of you have strong sexual urges because of puberty but please, the whole staff begs you, we don't want to clean up your mess and we really don't want to see things. And we have seen things," His voice carry that tone of a haunted man.

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