Sakura the Nymph

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Hinata had seen Haruno Sakura before. She was the girl with flowers in her hair. Sakura looks at Hinata with a gasp, "She's...she's...uh...hi?" She looks at the other two boys, uncertain. Hinata won't blame her. This is really strange, even for Hinata. They had passed each other at the dorm hallways and not once did either think to get involved with the other. Then her friends show up with Hinata and tells her to 'adopt' her because she's human?

Hinata will be just as confused and bamboozled.

Hinata offers a small smile and barely croaks out a silent 'hi' of her own.

Naruto claps his hands before her and lowers his head, "Please, Sakura?! I can't rest knowing she's alone at the dorm, dattebayo!"

Sakura looks at Hinata with a complicated expression, "Why me, though? Why not Ino or Tenten?"

Sasuke shrugs, "Because you're smarter?"

Sakura's face slacks, "Really? That's the only reason?"

Naruto grins, "Because we're a team!"

Sakura pinches the bridge of her nose, "Why not just erase her memory and send her back?"

Hinata wants to know too.

Naruto groans and growls, "I tried, okay?! But he's a lazy bastard is what he is!"

Cherry blossoms starts blooming all over her hair as her eyes glows verdant, "THAT BASTARD!!" She looks at Hinata who is trying to not tremble, the glow in her eyes receding, "It's not you. It's that lazy bastard upstairs," She sighs, "Alright. I'll do it. I'll check up on her now and then,"

Hinata nods her head, her voice long gone.

After that, they decided that Sakura will always walk with her back to the dorm and walk with her on the way to school where she will pawn her off to Naruto. Hinata find Sakura's presence calming. She's a little on the louder side but she's very nice, if one isn't being stupid or reckless. Today will be the first day she will have lunch with someone other than Naruto. Being a nymph, Sakura seldom eat human food. She do eat meat, though. It was a surprising thing to find out that plants eat meat.

Then again, Naruto did tell her that nymphs consider human corpses to be a good source of sustenance and made for a great compose. Fortunately, Sakura has no desire to turn Hinata into a compose. When she heard that Hinata has yet to join any club, she was understanding, "It's too dangerous for you,"

Hinata frowns, "But I feel useless,"

Sakura looks at her, "Hey, school life isn't the only life to live. Better to be alive and feeling useless than dead," She then added, "Besides, you're not as dumb as Naruto. I mean, have you seen his grade?"

That was another shocking discovery.

Naruto is a bad student.

Sakura scoffs, "I swear he has ADHD with how restless he is,"

Hinata looks up from her lap, "Maybe he learns better by doing rather than by reading? I know some people who goes through the same thing. He's just...not a classroom student,"

Sakura shrugs, "Who knows? I know he has always been hella good at killing stuff," She stops and looks at Hinata with a guilty expression, "Sorry. That must be very uncomfortable for you,"

Hinata smiles, "I'm okay. I figured after hearing Naruto talk guys just not as...moral about killing, I think? I mean, this is a literal kill or be killed society,"

Sakura stares at her before smiling, "Naruto's right. You're too nice,"

She bit her lip, "Is that what gives me away to Ulquiorra-sensei? He did come up to me once and said that I'm too nice,"

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