3 || Replacement

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I reached the tower steps behind my team of eight and they circled automatically, leaving me out.

I rolled my eyes behind them and shouldered my way into the group.

"I say we defend" one said simply. A boring route and most likely so he could continue chatting with his mates.

"Yes, but we also need to get all four flags" i pointed out. They turned to me, finally seeing I was on their team.

"Oh-" one said vividly surprised.

"Who are you?" Another asked looking around over the team as if some mistake had been made.

"If you head back down the way we cam-"

"I'm part of the team!" I spoke.

"Ohh" a union of realization hummed from them all.

"That means your Dex, right?"

I nodded, "exactly, yes."

"Oh." I could tell it was an 'oh' of disappointment or irritation.

"Shouldn't we be discussing the game plan?" I inserted, ignoring the man.


"I disagree, we need the flags"

"We can wait for the other teams to pick away at each other before we make a move."

"If that happens and we're left with the last team then they're going to have more tags and therefore more chances to win"

"Listen" He growled stepping closer to me with his pointer finger jabbing my chest.

"If you want to go out there alone"

"Be" Jab.

"My" Jab.

"Guest" Jab. The last poke at my chest made me scowl.

I shrugged, folding my arms carelessly and stepping back. Few others looked between him and I, yet said nothing.


I crouched down behind a tree after hearing the sloshing of soaked leaves being stepped on.

The trunk was thick, hiding my body with ease as I waited.

There was two conversating quietly as they spoke, and I listened for them to get closer.

I let them pass my tree before ducking out, crouch walking behind them and snatching off thankfully only the one belt from the person on the left before ducking back into the shrub.

They turned audibly confused.

"I've dropped my tag" they said, arms up as they looked about under their feet and around.

"Go back and grab it then" the other said, turning and looking about.

I smiled, the man with the mowhawk. He had two tags, there was no reason as to why I couldn't take all three, it wasn't against the rules.

I rolled out of the bush with a well thought landing. I stood up from the roll swiftly, behind him exactly.

I snatched the two close together belts and he swung behind him immediately, I ducked but with apparently no need to.

He swung high, obviously expecting a larger person to be taking his tags. Before he realized, I'd taken his tags and I held them up. 

Showcasing them so he wouldn't hit me. He scowled, glaring daggers at me before speaking into his walky talky.

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