33 || Dead bodies, dead bug.

962 28 2

"Copy" I speak into the mic, switching it off.

I sit up, fixing up a few sniper attachments. I lie back down on my stomach, closing an eye as I peer through the scope.

I line the windows, hiding within the shadows. There's barely anything to see and I haven't caught sight of anyone yet.

I sigh, shifting on my stomach. Things strapped to my chest and supplies in my belt making the position more uncomfortable than it already is.

"Moving up to the second floor, Dex reports?" Ghosts voice comes in.

I hold the button on my earpiece. "Haven't seen anyone, over."

At the first open window towards my side, I'm given the signal from the team to let me know their up.

After minutes pass by and the average gunshot sounds, I roll onto my back, looking up. Clicking my tongue and making useless noises in my boredom.

I regain myself and aim back through my sniper, finding no one still.

"Dex, copy?" Price speaks.

"Here captain, copy" I repeat.

"Bottom and top floors are closing in on our presence keep eyes on the windows."

"Got it captain, over" I readjust my sniper on its tripod and aim down at the lower and upper windows. No one strays close and I can't tell if they are shadows or people.

"Standby soldier" Prices voice cuts through with minimal static.

My heart drops and rises in the most confusing tempo at my new order. I get myself up, pulling off my Ghillie suit with ease and tightening the straps of my gear.

"Copy captain" I say back, picking up my gun and checking the magazine.

"Enter west lower, take the right stairwell and clear the rooms, copy?"

"Copy, are you stuck sir?" I ask hesitantly.

"Me and the team ..." I wait for him to continue "holding off enemies upstairs but I've called retreat, you're our escape route, Copy."

"Copy sir" I nod.

I get down from my highpoint and start to sprint towards the enemy base. I wasn't too far from the base but stationed a good distance away for sniping.

I come up to simple wire gates. Few dead bodies littered the floor, but a line of enemies singled filed through the first-floor door.

I pressed my back against a crate nearby and waited, peeking my head out the tiniest bit to catch a glimpse. I made sure that no more enemies were coming through before inhaling deeply and crouch walking lowly.

I kept my legs bent but not fully. I clung to the walls and used the shadows as my cover as my nervousness cowered within me.

I held my gun to my chest and made sure to check my blind spots as I snuck my way through. I turned my head left and right in quick succession upon entering a new doorway.

I pushed the silencer enabling it on my gun and pistol. I flick the gun to burst for easier recoil control and continued through quietly. My heel went down first before I laid the rest of my boot to silence my steps.

The enemies seemed to focus on my team upstairs, so my approach went unnoticed and a single shot to the chest from behind was enough.

I made sure to watch my back, but footsteps sounded far and near all at once. I continue to make my way through the rooms, eliminating anyone I came across.

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