45 || Magic Mike

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"Hey Cil" I'm cut off, the voice answering my question. My cheeks hurt from my smile, and I hug Sawyer tightly. My feet leave the ground as he lifts me in the suffocating embrace.

I laugh as he sets me down, patting my shoulder. "Haven't grown a bit I see" He chuckles. I scowl, Sawyers family had tall genes, his mother being 5'9 and his father being 6'5.

He almost made it an effort to boast about it. I screw up my nose at him like a child and he laughs again, holding my face as he looks at me. "You look the same as ever."

"That's good right?" I ask with a squished smile.

"Course cil" He grins dropping his hands. His eyes flick to behind me and I follow them, jumping slightly at Ghosts presence suddenly close behind me, he was at a distance last time I'd checked.

"This is Ghost" I say introducing them. "If it's just you does that mean-"

"Nope, he's here, off in the guest room" Sawyer laughs shaking Ghosts hand. I make an effort to grunt in annoyance which earns a laugh from Mrs. Wallace.

"Dad's out for the time being so we brought him along, didn't want our house turned into a rave" she smiles sitting down as the family filters out from inside.

"Makes sense" I say smiling at everyone who greets me once more. My cousins running past to go and play. "Mind If I go unpack?" I ask.

"Of course darling" my dad says with a smile and nod. I look over at Ghost who nods at me. I walk back through the house and out the front. Me and Ghost both grab our baggage while I talk his ear off about Sawyer. As we get inside, I see my mother who notices me and smiles.

"Kleines Problem, Schatz" she says.
(Little problem, darling) 

"Hm?" I hum pausing with Ghost. Her eyes flick to Ghost and she smiles.

"Da du gesagt hast, dass Oryx kommt, dachten wir, du würdest alleine kommen, und so sind die Gästezimmer und das Sofa belegt." she explains.
(Since you said Oryx wasn't coming, we thought you would come alone, so the guest rooms and sofa are occupied)

"Kein Problem, Ghost kann mit mir schlafen" I say with a smile.
(No problem, Ghost can sleep with me) 

"Bist du sicher, Liebling?"
(Are you sure, darling?)

"Mhm, me and Ghost sleep together anyways" I say in English, forgetting to switch fully and letting my accent dominate my words.

"Hold on-" Ghost is quick to say as my mother shoots him a glare.

"Wait wait, what-?" He says defensively. "Like in bed is what she means" he's saying as I repeat the sentence in my head figuring where I went wrong my lips mouthing the sentence. 

"Excuse me?" My mom says bewildered.

"Mama, we don't have sex." I whisper quickly. Ghost looks at me rather concerned as he glances at my mother's glare.

"Okay, okay, if you're okay with sharing that is, ... fine, sure" she says with a nod.

"I'm fine with it" I shrug. "You Ghost?" I ask, wanting to make sure he's comfortable in the unfamiliar setting.

"Yeah" he says still with a lingering subtle confused expression.

"This way then" I say to him with a smile, walking towards the stairs. He follows silently and we start up the wide light wooden stairs.

I walk down the hall, hearing the bathroom door unlock before opening and Vinnie walks out. As soon as he sees me, he grunts in a disgusted tone.

I narrow my eyes and mock him which he stops and folds his arms looking down on me. "What?" He mutters angrily.

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