31 || sniper

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I pull my helmet down over my head and clasp it up with a crisp click before tightening it at the straps. I sat down on the bench and tightened my laces, giving each one a tug before tying my boots.

I stood up, rubbing my hands together nervously as I waited for Soap to finish himself up. "C'mon Dex, we'll be fine" he says giving me a reassuring smile as we head towards the weaponry station.

The past few weeks passed rather quickly, and we were inching closer to finding truths out about bigger threats we were faced with.

The team, Taskforce 141, is on a mission to bring down a drug cartel that has been plaguing a country with illegal narcotics. We're responsible for finding the cartel's hiding place and dismantling it.

We have some idea where it could be but to use technology, we're going to have to be closer to the actual location. There's chance we will be moving from place to place trying to figure out where they could be.

Our first location is one that Price is almost sure the base storing the cartel is stationed. Porta Rica. Somewhere far and secluded from bigger cities where they terrorize small towns and force them to work, deal and possibly test the drugs for them.

Laswell had been working on this mission and the information for quite some time now and has put us on the scene to take them down. She fears a new drug that is unknown is being crafted or already has.

My gut is telling me something, but nothing has happened. It's not usually like this before a mission and that's why I'm getting so shaken. It's like a second sense and it only gets stronger every time the mission is mentioned.

I'm attaching a silencer to my gun as well as my other attachment loadout Gaz helped me pick while staring off at nothing. We'll be driving for a while to a set location where we'll take a helicopter as transport to the safe house.

Price has said once we find the enemies hideout the mission should be quick and swift. No need for captures so killing shouldn't be a problem.

Even though it's likely nothing will happen today we all walk around base preparing ourselves for a fight. I tuck a knife in my belt and slide a gun into its holder.

The morning is early, and the heat is only rising. I've messaged my family and friends, telling them of my whereabouts and that I'd be offline for a couple days. I tell them I love them because there's always a chance I'm not coming back.

I try not to scare them but it's the sad truth. "You look pale little mouse" Keegan says beside me, fixing up his own gear with equipment.

"Just jitters I guess" I give him a smile as he tucks supplies into his gear.

"It'll be fine, quick and simple, nothing to bad" he says with a chuckle.

I hum a soft reply and stand up pulling my mask up over my nose. Keegans eyes crease at the corners and I can tell he's smiling so I smile back.

"Right team" Price says loudly from behind me. I jump turning around as he continues. I can tell he noticed my startle because his hand lingers on my back as if keeping me upright and he smiles.

"Report to the vehicle in 5" He announces.

I help the crew a little with packing up gear and stationery. I've found a few ways to keep myself busy in the five minutes and I feel a nudge on my back which makes me turn.

"Ready dex?" Ghost asks standing beside me.

"Yeah" I say following beside him as we walk from the building.


"Little yeah" I say with an uncertain chuckle.

"No need Dex, we got it" he says with a nod.

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