22 || Time

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It's been three or so weeks since the last big meeting with Laswell. I've been teaching König the codes and I realize the created code is one that's hard to learn for him.

We've been on a few missions since, hunting small parties and groups that have strings with DD74. Closer surveillance is done on the buildings and staff ordered by Laswell.

My wounds have fully healed and are now scars that hold a story. Everything has been smooth sailing with the team. We've done training and missions as well as lots of briefings and meetings.

We are still receiving files and codes from DD74 who haven't managed to pick up on the fact we are hacking their system. No major news has come about, and I've discussed with König that few things we've found are best kept from the team.

We know that it's nothing that will affect our work but it's something that isn't worth mentioning. My worry grows for Soap daily and I've been keeping a close eye on him as best I can.

My relationship with the team seems to of warmed and they have made room for me. They include me in their activities and help me out. I've been on 141 for three and a half months and I've seemed to make my place.

We've had to travel and converse with few other militaries under Laswell's orders. Either for a mutual enemy takedown or for the extra help on missions. It seems that DD74 are a bigger threat than we initially thought.

König is quiet and he's opened up gradually over the past few weeks. He's a very good soldier, does his work well and proper. He wasn't as talkative at the beginning, but he talks a lot more now that we've been forced to spend time together.

He's a quick learner but gets stuck on the single code. It's nice to have someone I can speak to in my native tongue. I used to fear that I'd start to mispronounce or even forget how to speak German with the number of English teammates I have.

It's refreshing to say the least. The weather has been hotter, and the sun is out for longer. I've been working hard on the files the whole team has, life is very fulfilling and busy at the moment, but I like having something to do.

Oryx and I have been hanging out still and I often go back to my old department just to annoy them. They've all ranked up which is amazing, they tend more missions, but Oryx and I always have time for each other.

Keegan and I have been ... casual. Tried to be at least, only few times more since our first little rodeo. I refuse to do anything on sight so it's usually at mine but since it's been so chaotic and time consuming, we haven't really done a lot nor got round to talking about it.

'One-time thing' as if.

I don't want a relationship and I'm sure he doesn't either. I guess it really is just us having fun, if you could call it that. We've never got far enough without something happening. Not that it's stopped us trying. I often remember I do have a job and I need to focus on that, he agrees and its no big deal.

Soap is a tease, bullying me daily. I joke that it's because he's usually the insulted one around and since I'm the newest member he thinks he can do it to me. All jokes of course.

Price remains the same, friendly, professional and loves to smoke. He's been working late and keeping us up to date with everything. I've been included in more meetings and discussions, even asked for an opinion occasionally.

Gaz and Alejandro are great company. Alejandro has this cocky and arrogant humor, but he means well underneath. He never leaves space for a dull moment, but he works hard when he's needed. Gaz has a similar humor to everyone.

He jokes like Soap but other days like Alejandro, either way he's great to hang around with. Always helping with training or lending a hand when he notices someone has to much work.

Mr. SadisticHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin