26 || Understanding

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DISCLAIMER: Sensitive topics.

【This chapter doesn't have a lot of action or events. It's more of Ghost and Dex bonding over something they both understand unknowingly. It can be a bit boring for those look for thrill, feel free to skip】

"You didn't have to do that you know" I grunt climbing into Ghosts truck.

"Do what?" He says shutting his door and starting the car.

"That - with Keegan" I huff, pulling my seatbelt over my shoulder.

"I didn't do anything, merely offered you a ride" He shrugs, pulling out of his park.

"Mhm" I mumble an attitude evident on my hum as I fold my arms and look away from him out the window.

Ghosts' simplicity towards the situation makes me feel like I'm being dramatic. He doesn't seem to care so it makes me look like I'm just overreacting, and I can't tell if I am.

Was it really that big a deal? The fight. Was it even a fight. Whatever it was, has brought my mood down. I'm aware that my 'thing' with Keegan isn't anything serious.

Yet I still feel the need to protect his feelings. I care about him, and we're on the same page about 'us'. What Ghost did was unnecessary.

What's the big deal with me going in Keegans car. Why am I in Ghosts car. I look across at Ghost with my newfound question on my tongue.

"Why was it such a requirement for me to come with you?" I ask, my voice more of a snarl than I intended.

"If you want answers don't talk to me like that" he says flatly, his eyes ahead.

"What" I say unable to help my tone and attitude.

"Sorry you don't get to ride with your boyfriend I think you'll live" He growls.

"He's not my boyfriend" I snap back, slumping back against the seat. "Forget the question I don't care" I add.

I hear him sigh and with a sly glance I see his grip on the wheel tightening. "I've got a question" he says finally.

"I don't care" I shrug with a huff. Resorting back to my immature ways.

"Yeah, well I'm sure you're the only one who can answer" He snarls.

"Not my problem" I say carelessly.

"I don't know what you bribed König with, but he won't tell me either" He mutters, strained anger slipping through his words.

"Who said I bribed him?" I spoke.

"You blackmailed him?" Ghost says with a tone of intriguing curiosity.

"No" I scoff amused at the thought. "We just came to a simple agreement that it was best not to tell" I shrug.

"So, you know what I'm talking about?" He says giving me a quick look.

"There's only one thing it could be about" I say peeling my eyes from the window to look back at him.

"It's about Soap, isn't it?" I add on.

He hums a confirmation. "Tell me why you had those files of Johnny."

"It's not your concern really" I mumble back with a snarky tone.

"No, it is my concern, Johnny's my best mate and if anything happens to him because you wouldn't tell me then the blames on you" He seethes.

I turn to look at him, his eyes are ahead but I can see under the anger that there's care. "No one else in the team but Johnny's files were in your apartment, we don't even have files - you do, but you're acting like Johnny's on death row."

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