40 || Scientist

962 25 9

{TW: Gore/blood/death}

A week passes by with ease and we're still connecting lines with DD74. They corrupt smaller organizations into their control. Things we gathered from the mission were studied, few things turning out to be important.

I sit in the meeting room with the team and König. Going over the codes together and piecing the figured information up on the boards.

It's a hot day, the windows are open, and the wind is cold. I fiddle with my pen in my hand, tapping it against my chin in thought as I look down at the current file I'm working on.

The door swings open and I glance up, only finding a crew member entering. They make their way to Price and have a conversation which I don't pay attention too.

I sit back in my chair, looking around at the others before Price clears his throat, the conversation catching my interest as I overhear part of their exchange. "So, there nothing?" He's saying.

"We couldn't find anything sir" they say back. "We ran tests multiple times."

Price nods and shifts his stance, catching my staring. "Bring em in for a minute" he says to the crew member, they nod before leaving the room.

"What was that about?" I ask waiting till Price turns to look at me.

"Apparently the drugs have no reaction to anything and only an effect on those who take them, which is strange" Price says. "Considering it's a whole organization, you'd think that since they're crafting and dealing illegal and unknown drugs that it'd do something more, but apparently not" He explains.

"Can I go check?" I asked standing up.

"Actually, I told them to bring the kits here so we can" he says and as if on cue a team of crew enters with trays of complex looking materials and objects laying them on the table.

They pass Price a clipboard of all the studies they'd done and the results of them all. I leaned over, checking everything before Price handed the clipboard around.

I looked over at the boards and sat down, stumped after seeing the results. They really had tried everything. The crew started to go into deeper detail, talking about the findings.

I looked around, my eyes catching on Soap as he read the result papers. My brain had an itch, and I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment, something was on my mind, a signal or something that I wasn't remembering.

Something clicked inside my mind, and I grabbed at a half empty bottle of drugs I'd collected from the mission. "What's up Dex, found something?" Keegan asked.

I nodded as my gaze lingered on Soap; I chewed my bottom lip in thought before turning towards the crew. "I need someone to test these on, not alive, like a doll, or something else you have in the lab?"

They shared a collected look. "I'm not sure we can simply hand things over to you miss" one spoke softly.

"It's okay I can vouch for her" Price said. "Lead the way" he said to the crew who turned. I followed behind Price aware of the team coming along with us as we followed the crew across and through base.

At a lower part they took the items I held and placed them into a tray before having us step into a small room that buzzed and filled with a cold smoke for a second before it disappeared and the opposite side opened.

I stepped through, the tray handed back to me as they led us down a windowless corridor with blinding white walls. They used a keycard to open doors before stepping to the side and allowing us access.

I looked around for a moment and the team was silent. "Do you, have anything, I can test on? Like, like a lifelike doll or something?"

"We have bodies." one pipes up.

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