37 || Light

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We all sat in the helicopter that'd picked us up from the safe house. Price was positive about the location and had solid evidence to back it up.

I had my gun held to my chest, sitting between Gaz and Price as the helicopter smoothly glided through the air. Our aim was to find the cartel and dispose of the drugs.

Meaning we'd burn the place down. Hopefully nothing got out on control, but the location was remote and far from any civilization the fire would burn itself out eventually.

"Ghost, Dex, Alejandro, you'll be the second group being dropped, the helicopter won't be landing so use the harnesses to lower yourself down."

"Gaz, Soap and Keegan, you'll be the first ones going, since the lower part of base stretches further than the higher floors, we'll be dropping you south and I'll be off at southeast."

"The helicopter will then leave and return to the safehouse where crew will grab our things before coming back and waiting for our signal."

"Now I'm sure you're all aware of how fast fire burns, communicate through comms at all times, group B, that's yours Ghost, will be lighting the fire given the position of drop off zone."

"We don't need a fire started in the lower section where you'll have to pass through, once the fire is lit the explosives laid around by group A will be scattered around first floors, remember to drop one in every room."

"Eliminate any enemies you come across, don't let them speak, use your suppressors at all times and use the code word for sign 'abort mission'. Once out you need to reach a safe distance away."

"The surrounding area will provide cover with the large boulders scattered around but make sure you're far enough. Try not to breath in the air, make sure you all have your masks on."

"Meet back at East when the explosion happens, be careful and be safe, anything else suspicious make sure you grab and remember the sole purpose here isn't to become arsonists."

"We are looking for connecting evidence to DD74, any files or hard drives containing valuable information is to be extracted. Don't leave a teammate behind unless it costs your life to go back."

"I know you soldiers will do well, remember to keep your guard up, cameras and security will be roaming, keep in touch with your mics and make sure you grab anything that ties back to DD74"

We nodded our heads and fall into silence at the upcoming base sight. Trucks had just pulled in, no doubt delivering illegal cargo. Dirt and dust followed in their wake.

The lower parts of base were bigger than the higher floors and it was surprising to see that the building had barely any windows.

Group A and Price started to prepare, double checking their supplies and gear. Tightening and adjusting things to their likings.

Price gave me a look and I reassured him that I'd be fine. I noticed the glance he gave to both Ghost and Alejandro as if some silent meeting had gone on without me. They returned, a sly signal, a very slim squint of the eye in understanding.

The helicopter lowered not far from the base and Keegan, Gaz and Soap all left with a focused look in their eyes. Price was dropped off not far from them and I peered over watching their figures become smaller and move across the ground in synchronized movement. 

The helicopter lifted higher up into the sky to disguise the sound of its rotors as much as possible, leaving us higher up. "Dex, listen" Ghost said snapping me back to reality.

"Hm?" I hummed looking towards him. He held the harness out to me, and I took it, slipping it over my legs and pulling it up before pulling it over my upper half and adjusting my limbs into the designated sections.

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