12 || Cheers

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Two weeks had passed since Ingrid and Hugo had left for home. Price had put me on bedrest for a week and refused to let me join any missions or training.

I was up early this morning. It was Monday and I was going back to base for the first time in a while. I hadn't seen the team in a few days.

Alejandro and Gaz stopped by, or I got a call from Price to remind me to do my bandages. I kept myself as busy as i could, playing with Fang my snake.

She was a red bellied black snake. The underside of her scales a deep red that faded into an orange and then blending to black scales.

These snakes were usually venomous, but I'd only got her because no one else wanted her as she was a snake without a venom gland. Meaning she was harmless, and the species was not known to be aggressive.

I'd had her for years, brought her over from home. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror fresh from the shower. My parents were generous enough to ship me over new gear.

The exact gear I'd had before from the store over at my homeland. My wounds had healed majorly, and I'd kept consistent with the cleaning and treatment. However, the stab and gash remained sensitive.

I brushed through my hair before tying them into low pigtails and twirling then into buns out of the way. I put on the sleeve like mask, tucking it into my shirt and pulling it up over my nose.

I didn't exactly need it on right now, but I was just so excited to be able to do something instead of lying around. Price had promised I'd get a new helmet since the one I used to have had a dent in the side.

I'd kept it however and it sat up on my shelf. The time was 5am and I wasn't required at base until 6am but I decided maybe I'd head in early.

I fed Fang her food not staying to watch her eat it. I gathered up my things and left quickly with my bike helmet and jacket. I locked my apartment and walked down the stairs enjoying the crisp air.

It was cold in a way that was refreshing. I swung on the leather jacket and put the helmet on swiftly. I'd ridden my bike a few times, but Price wanted me to try keep safe and that meant being inside at all times.

The roar of the engine sent the thrills through me like waves that never got old. It lowered into a grunty purr and I flexed my fingers around the handles. I pulled back on the throttle and immediately took off.

The streets were mostly empty at this hour. The sun peeking out from behind the mountains. I slowed, coming to a red light that was the last intersection before the long road to base.

The area was usually empty like always, only ever people leaving town or heading to HQ. As if on cue I turn my head waiting for the light and I see a familiar truck.


He must've felt me watching because he turned and didn't seem to notice me at first. I flipped up the face shield and waved a gloved hand at him.

I seen as he smiled and nodded back. His vehicle was a Toyota Hilux, I twisted the throttle making the engine rev loudly and he did the same. I was genuinely surprised as the loud rumbling of his engine.

I raised an eyebrow, impressed in all honesty. He did it a few more times and I could tell by his smirk he was showing off. I pointed to him and then pointed two fingers at my eyes before jabbing my thumb at myself.

I was signing for him to watch me. He raised his head in a slow nod. I looked up as the light turned green. It was just me and Soap. I twisted the throttle generously.

The back tire squealed under the road before I took off. I pulled the rear tire break while twisting the throttle further and lifting my weight with the bike. I held the wheelie and revved the engine purely being cocky.

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