41 || Laughter

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I'd been sent to shower and get cleaned up while Price called a meeting. I walked with Ghost, he had less blood than me but agreed to ease the team's mind. 

I walked alongside him with my belongs and other things bundled into my arms.

"You did well today Dex" Ghost says.

"You think?" I ask quietly looking up at him.

"Mm" He hummed with a nod. "You hesitated quite a lot, but you went through with it" he says.

His words make me smile. "Thank you, and thanks for helping."

"Couldn't let you have all the fun" he says blankly.

I muster an uncertain chuckle and continue walking beside him. He pushes open a door with his shoulder and I follow him through.

He stops suddenly and I bump into him. "Dex, this is the males showers."

"I know I can read" I smile.

"What are you doing?" he grunts.

"I'll go beside you and we can talk." I say.

"Dex" he sighs.


"No." he huffs.

"Aw..." I mumble with a frown. "I'm fun company."

"Dex, you could get in trouble for being in here you do realize that, there serious about this kind of stuff." he says turning to face me.

"You're not just saying that to get rid of me, are you?"

"Yes and no, if you're caught you will get in trouble" He sighs.

"Okaay" I say narrowing my eyes as I back up slowly. I walk into the female showers. Small doorless cubicles with a shower curtain at the back, leaving small room for privacy. I turn the shower on, washing myself quickly before stepping out and drying myself off. Changing into my gear with no interruptions.

I look into the fogged-up mirrors for a moment before stepping into the hallway. I'd only been two or so minutes and I wondered if Ghost had left or was still showering.

I set my vest and belt down on the bench in the hall before pushing open the door. "Are you still showering?" I called out.

"Dex" he growled over the noises of water.

"Yes" I say stepping in and letting the door shut as I wonder around the corner.

"I hope you get in trouble" I hear him say.

"I won't, who showers at this time" I say looking around their shower rooms. It looked like the females, completely the same although I counted more.

"You have more shower cubicles than us" I say sitting down against the wall that divided his from another. 

"No one else is in here" I speak up trying to make small talk.

"You're rather annoying" He grunts.

"Don't you want company?" I say acting offended.

"You won't like the answer" he says.

"You're right" I smile, looking across at the mirrors opposite the showers.

"You could tell me what you found out earlier" He bargains. I hum, letting him know I'm in thought.

"No" I say.

"I'm not interested in any other topics then." he replies over the hum of shower water.

"Global warming?" I say with an amused tone.

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